Cervical cancer

Hi everyone my mum has had cervical cancer and 2 other types ive just had a biopsy and colposcopy done on fri slightly stressing about it i suppose becase of mums history does this increase my chances of cancer at all as i know some are related  .

  • I've literally just signed up to try and get some answers about the same thing. 

    I had my smear results come back as severe dyskaryosis, I had my colposcopy today and the abnormal cells removed and sent for a biopsy, when I asked her why they still send them off she said to see if they are cancerous but the way she was talking to me was super positive and as though I have nothing more to worry about.

    She said she couldn't see any cancer but could the biopsy still show they were cancerous cells and the cancer could have already spread? This is what I'm now worrying about but she didn't mention anything of the sort. Maybe because she doesn't want to get into the nitty gritty and to stop me worrying for the next few weeks whilst I have to wait.

    Any knowledge you have of what could happen after a biopsy would be greatly appreciated. I can only find info about the CIN grades and procedures of the colposcopy (she said mine are CIN3 by the way). 

    Sorry for the long post, Im must desperate to know if I'm in the clear or not. 

  • Same here she said it goes from 1 to 5 and 5 being cancer mine is 4. I have had 2 got bk 2 gp today have had quite bad whole body trembling  since sat. Its  slowing getting better due to all the nerves down there I suppose  but I've also had pelvic pain since March  got a fine needle biopsy in my neck next week as I have 2 growths on my thyroid.  I have been 4 ultrasound scan  carnt c anything in my pelvic area  so that's good news I suppose but the wait for this is going to drive me mad hope everything goes ok for you hun xxxxx

  • Hi let me share my own experiences with you to try and put your mind at rest. I was in exactly the same situation as you this time last year.  I also had cin 3 and had a biopsy at the colonoscopy clinic unfortunately my results came back as stage 1a1 cervical cancer. If the consultant has said she can’t see any cancer then there is a good chance there will be nothing there and if there is it will be at an early stage. When they take the biopsy a special acid is placed on the cervixs this then shows the area that contains the abnormal cells when they do the biopsy they make sure they take all the abnormal cells plus normal ones as well so they can hopefully get what is known as a clear margin around the abnormally.

    If there is any cancer there and it was visible she would of told you and as I said before if there is any thing there it would be very early staged and would be confined to the cervix.

    the waiting is the hardest part. My advice is stay away from google if you have any questions speak to your specialist nurse. If you need any more questions asked message me and I will answer anything you ask me.

    Beth xx

  • That is exactly what I needed to know. Thanks so much for letting me know x

  • Your welcome. I’ve sent you a friends request I don’t mine if you don’t expect it. Please please don’t sit there and stress message me and ask anything I seriously don’t mind xx