Cervical cancer

I've just been told I have early stage Cervical cancer. I'm worried sick. I'm going back to the hospital March 1st so 1 week and two days. I'm a nervous wreck worrying. Thinking up alsorts just wanted some advice. I'm 39 and haven't got any children. But wanted to start a family this year. Am I going to be able to have children? This feels like a nightmare. What will the next treatment be? I'm so scared. 

  • Welcome to the forum!

    First of all, I am deeply sorry about the things you are dealing with . I am sure some ladies who have gone/are going through the same will pop here and welcome you but I wanted to give you a little tip. Get a notebook with you during the appointments and write down everything your team tells you. Also, write down any question you have, no matter how 'silly' you think it sounds. It's normal that you are concern about having children and for sure your doctors will tell you the possibilities ahead, since it usually depends on the treatment you have.

    Best of luck :love: