Cervical cancer

Hi I don't know what else to do or say or where to even start

my sister was diagnosed with cervical cancer but has completely shut Me out. I know that she had a mri scan and then got results which gave us a diagnosis. She was told it's cervical cancer However she's told us they wasn't able to put a stage on it or if it's curable incurable or terminal. I've tried to be strong for my sister as she has had a very troubled life we have no mum and dads not well. I'm just trying to understand more. She said she's got to see a oncologist regarding treatment but was told they won't operate as it's gone way past that. What does that mean I don't know what to say to her. Any thing would be good I just don't know what to think 

  • Hi Keljo , I don't know if I can be any help but I had it 23 years ago , I wasn't given staging , I just had a radical hysterectomy and checks every 3 months getting further apart till it was ten years , it's not always a death sentence so try be positive , I shut everyone out as well , it's a hard thing to cope with just for the person who got it but you feel like u have to support everyone else , and I claimmed up , just be there for her if she needs u cos at some point she will , they may use radiotherapy to shrink first then take it out , will she let u go to appointment with her ?? Hope that's helped a bit it's obviously changed a lot since I had it , and I'm only on here cos just had treatment for throat cancer , if u need to ask anything else I will try help if I can even if just a chat bless u , wish they had had this when I had it , u can add me private if u want xxxxx

  • Hi Thankyou for your reply I hope you don't mind but I have sent you a message. Xxxx

  • Hi Keljo

    I have cervical cancer and have never heard of someone with this cancer not being told a stage, following an mri and ct scan. It would not be possible to plan treatment without knowing, as treatment would depend on stage. Early stage cervical cancer can be treated by having a radical hysterectomy, while later stage would normally be treated by chemotherapy and radiation. 

    I notice another poster has said “they may use radiotherapy to shrink it and then take it out”. This would by no means be the usual procedure in today’s treatment plans, although I have had treatment and am now having a hysterectomy. This was not my original plan, but is how things have worked out since I have some residual tumour. There are conditions to be satisfied to be able to have this operation following chemo and radiation and it is quite unusual.

    It may be more useful to get current information as 23 years is a long time ago in the world of cancer and things change. I do agree that it may be useful to attend the oncologist appointment with your sister if you can, so that you can get an understanding of  what is happening. I’m happy to try and help by answering any questions if I can, as I have been dealing with this for more than a year. xx

  • Hi Minska 

    i hope you don't mind I would rather PM you there's so much to this and I'm worried she may come here for her own advice and come across this. Many thanks 

  • No problem...I’ve accepte£ your friend request so you can message privately now.xx

  • Hi , I wasn't given staging , I found out on the Friday and was in barts hospital on the Monday, after about 4 days of tests I then had the radical hysterectomy , as u said things have prob changed a lot in 23 years , that is why I said I had it that long ago ! And at the time if was too large to operate they would try and shrink first , I know they still do that for some other cancers , sorry to hear you are going through this , it's a very scary time for everyone involved , but I've recently been having treatment for tonsil cancer , and a lady I shared my transport with was having radiotherapy to try shrink her Tumor , she had cervical cancer , think it depends on the dr treating and the persons case xxx hope your treatment is going well

  • Hi Mariag

    I think things change and evolve all the time with cancer treatments. I’m so sorry to read you have had to endure another cancer..I hope things are going well for you. 

    I posted about having a hysterectomy after radiotherapy on this forum and got no responses...I also posted on cervical cancer private groups on Facebook and also had no response..I’ve not been able to connect with anyone who’s had this done..my consultant only does this salvage hysterectomy 3 or 4 times a year, so I’ve been a bit disappointed not to be able to find anyone who could share their experience. This seems to confirm everything I’ve read over the past 15 months about hysterectomies following radiotherapy being unusual and not the normal course of treatment. xx

  • Bless you , the big C is the worst thing to hear that you've got, and as I said it's come on leaps and bounds since I had mine , I was so lucky cos took over a year of me going to my drs to be taken seriously , she said I'm gonna send you to hospital to shut you up !! But anyway I survived and I'm hoping ive got this bout beat as well , there is so much they can do now , if u ever just want to chat u can add me as a friend if u want , sometimes easier talking to a stranger , hope all going well for u cxxc