Cervical cancer

About 3 months ago, I experienced a scratching feeling around my cervix. It wasnt constant and when it wasnt there I didn't think anything of it. When I felt it again, I went to see my GP. she had a look at my cervix and said it looks fine but she will refer me for a colposcopy as she said I seemed slightly anxious. I didn't follow up this referral until last week-the sensation around my cervix wasnt happening very often and I was reassured when she said it looked okay. Last week after my husband and I were intimate I noticed spotting. It also happened the time before. And the sharpish sensation I had felt around my cervix was coming and going again. I called the hospital for the colposcopy. In the space of this week I now seem to have every symptom that points to cervical cancer. I've got a real dull ache in the lower part of my stomach that now doesnt seem to go and my back is aching no matter what position I'm in. Im not bleeding andi dont have any extra discharge. I have my colposcopy tomorrow but I'm 99% sure I've got cervical cancer and I already feel devastated.  I have 3 little boys ages 7, 5 and 2. I'm worried that because I can feel symptoms and they have come on so fast, it must mean its advanced and untreatable. I dont know what to do but I'm utterly devastated and really need someone to tell me that they have survived. Please please somebody respond. I feel like I'm about to begin a nightmare.

  • Hi. I've just read your post and can totally understand your frustration and fear. after experiencing symptoms such as bloating, pain, irregular periods I took myself to the gp they said it was ibs. I too still felt like there was something wrong and went to my nurse who referred me colposcopy. Within days of having it I was summoned to the hospital to be told that I had cervical cancer. After further tests they told me it had spread and was stage 3. That was in May. I have since had chemotherapy, radiotherapy (internal and external) and a few small surgery's and at the moment I am awaiting results from treatment. I feel like the last few months have been a blur as treatment has been quick and tough. I have 4 children the youngest being 15 months old, it has been rough on them. I think the key to coping is to try and not to let the fear consume you and to think positively for yourself and family. Take one day at a time, lean on those you love and trust when you need too. When you get told you have cancer it can very often feel like the world is crashing down all around you but yet you find strength you never realised you had and you fight like you didn't know you could to beat it. I wish you and your family all the very best. 

  • Thank you so much for responding. I know I shouldnt google but I've been desperately googling to try and find other things that it could be but to me it's very clear. And unfortunately there arent many or any possibilities. I can just feel it within my body. I've was sobbing last night thinking I cannot believe this is going to be happening to me. You hear about it happening to other people but surely it's not something that REALLY happens. My poor children. I'm automatically thinking this is it! All I read is that you only typically get symptoms when its advanced and this is what breaks my heart. I'm almost already feeling as though, I dont care if its cancer as long as its treatable, no matter how difficult it will be, please let it be treatable. I'm so conscious it's now Friday so to be told this today will mean I have the weekend to dwell rather than moving forward immediately. 

  • Ps. I hope you're coping okay and I really really do hope the surgery, chemo and radiotherapy has worked for you. It must be an agonising wait. Did they give you a hysterectomy? Even this I feel like I'm happy to have if it means getting rid of it. 

  • Hi,

    When I read your post I had to reply because you sound so much how I am at the minute. My own story is I am having an MRI scan as the ENT consultant suspects I have lingual tonsil cancer after looking down my throat with a camera. I am currently looking after my mum who has terminal oesophageal cancer and I have a son.

    The fears and thoughts you describe are exactly what I am thinking and all the time you are experiencing symptoms that just seem to be getting worse for me its constant bad ear pain, neck pain and a cough.  I have convinced myself with the help of dr Google that I am definitely dying and all I have achieved with that is nearly fainting from stress on a bus yesterday!

    Its difficult to try and pull it together but we must for the people we love. Noone wants to think they are going to leave their children without a mum and like you I have cried and cried. I can only give you the advice i have been given by a head and neck cancer charity take it day by day, carry on your normal routine, chase up appointments and think positive.

    Sending love and light xx

  • This has got to be the most agonising wait of my life. And I know this weekend is likely to be even worse. I just dont know what my immediate actions are going to be if I hear the words 'it is cancer' it feels very unreal, I'm not sure if it's better that I've kind of already thought that this is what's going to be said or if it's better just hearing it out of the blue! What are your first actions for comfort. Obviously family,my husband is amazing and have the most amazing lively kids, and my immediate family. But I know already I'm somebody who will need no to talk to who is going through the same thing

  • Hi guys. I know it's hard waiting for news but please do not Google. The medical staff are brilliant and God forbid if you do get a diagnosis there is lots of real, information and support out there for you guys. You could ring macmillan to discuss your concerns whilst waiting. They are brilliant, very understanding and can help both you and your families through this difficult time. Check out their website. They have helped me to come to terms with things when I was really struggling, they also helped me to explain to my children in the most gentle way. 

  • That's what I have been thinking as well. Do I fear the worse so it isn't a surprise when I get told and hopefully can keep some form of composure or do I try and think positive so I dont have a mental breakdown before I even have the MRI scan! It's so unbelievably difficult waiting for tests and results. Even though I am not being tested for the same cancer as you I am here to talk to - we can be irrational mummys together if you want lol. Notice me trying to bring a smile to the proceedings here  .I have friends and my boss is a great source of comfort so I can get through my working day. I don't have much family but my dad who doesnt live close by is only a phone call away it's strange but I feel like a child thinking about my dad at the minute. I just want him to put his arms around me and tell me hes here for me no matter what happens. 

  • Thank you so much for your response. Going through what you are and yet still reaching out to us to offer some advice and support. I am not going to Google anymore as it's not helped me in any way if anything it has heightened my anxiety and stress levels for example I was checking the label on a dress I was wearing and a vein on my neck came up and so did a lump it felt like it was on the vein and was soft but because of my situation I googled it and it was telling me all sorts of worrying things like thrombosis!!

  • Hi HME

    I’m so sorry you are feeling so awful, but dr google and self diagnosis are really not the way to go. You need to have the tests to be certain what is going on and trust in your medical team. I was diagnosed with stage 2b cervical cancer a year ago and I’m still here, posting this from the terrace of my hotel room in Bali! 

    After I was diagnosed with cancer I was convinced it had spread everywhere and I was on my way out. It hadn’t, and I wasn’t. The treatment for cervical cancer can be extremely effective, and I went from “locally advanced” cervical cancer to no evidence of disease in the space of 7 months. No surgery, only chemo and radiation. 

    I hope you don’t have cancer, but if you do, please don’t think it’s the end. I’m proof that it’s not, for a start!

    I’d be happy to give you any help and support if you need it. xx

  • Hello,

    I am a 7 year cervical cancer survivor this fall. I had stage 2A, had chemo, radiation (external/internal) but no surgery. My symptoms were spotting, extremely smelly, watery discharge (I thought I had bladder cancer at first, because the discharge was so watery), loss of appetite and weight loss. I was also the most tired I have ever been in my life, walking from my office to the parking garage exhausted me.  On the bright side, as soon as I started treatment I started feeling better.  I am hopeful that you will not need to go through it, but please know that you can, if you have to.  Take comfort in the fact that you have taken control of your health and you are doing the right thing by finding out what is going on. We are here for you whenever you need to talk.

    Laura xx