Care Oncology Protocol

Hello everyone 

I was wondering has anyone any experience of using Care Oncology?  it's a private Cancer Centre on Harley Street in London, they have a treatment called The Care Oncology Protocol which can be used alongside current NHS treatment.  Has anyone else heard of this or had positive results?



  • Hello Mitzi11

    We do have some members on the forum who have spoken about using this protocol alongside NHS treatment. 

    If you use the forum search function (magnifying glass in the blue bar at top of the page) to look for the phrase" care oncology" you'll find a number of posts and hopefully, you'll be able to connect with others who can share their experiences. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Best wishes,
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks Jenn I will have a look. 



  • Hi Mitzi

    I'm with care oncology. I received my first lot of meds from them when I was part way through my EC chemo. I took mebendazole and then started on doxycyxline, but my neutrophils were low one week so it was recommended that I halt the CO protocol. I'm now on weekly chemo and have another 8 weeks to go so I'm pausing all other drugs until I'm done with chemo. Then I'll start the protocol properly. 

    I was prescribed a statin and metformin too, but I never started the statin and also preferred to take berberine instead of metformin  

    Happy to answer any questions, but can't tell you about any results positive or otherwise yet. X

  • Thanks Vicki for responding, hopefully you will be able to use the off labels when chemo is over and you feel a better.  I don't know anyone else using Care Oncology on Harley Street, hopefully more people on here will see this and respond too letting us know how they are getting on. 

    I am going to contact them to see about going on the Protocol am on Hormonal and Biological treatment for Breast Cancer I believe a lot of people are using safe supplements and adapting their diet as well.

    Hopefully more people will respond.



  • Hi Mitzi

    Yes I'm on a load of supplements and im also throwing smoothies full of spinach down my neck every day! I've got breast cancer too. Diagnosed in Jan. Its triple positive so im on phesgo too. Will have surgery after my chemo and will restart the protocol. 

    Take care, Vicki x