Carcinoid Cancer on my Liver.

Hi im Derek. Ive lost prostate. Part of small bowel. The Cancer was ok on my Liver now its spreading. This is my third bout. But symtons get you down. Good for weight 

Anyone about who has this. Want to chat and help each other.  

Take care all. And smile

  • Hi Derek 

    Welcome to the forum although I'm sorry to hear about the news that has led you here. It sounds as if you've been a rollercoaster since your first diagnosis and it's not surprising that things get you down, 

    We've a great community of people here and I've had a look through the forum to see what members might be able to relate more specifically to some of your experiences. Both [@telemando]‍ and [@Billygoat]‍ have dealt with prostate cancer and I'm sure these lovely chaps will be along to say "Hello!" before long :) 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi Derek sorry you're having so many problems are you having treatment now on liver. I've not had any operations yet my C spread from prostate to lymph nodes, spine, ribs and pelvis & 1 lung it's not curable treatment can stop it but cannot get rid. I've been living with it over 3 years now still don't like it but no choice..


    P.s on hormone therapy rest of life,. 

  • Thanks for the kind reply. Loosing my Prostate I came to terms with in my own way years ago. It's the symptoms of Carcinoid Cancer that's affecting daily life. The fuzzy heads and dizzy spells and the rest of hormone interference. That's my problem. The wife finds it hard. Be good to chat to fellow sufferer. Thanks.