Can’t live without my Mum

I lost my Mum nearly 3 weeks ago and had her funeral yesterday where I brought her home to be buried with my Nan and Granddad. It’s not any easier in fact I think I’m getting worse. I feel like I have nothing to live for now. She was my best friend and I talked to her 3 times a day when I was away working and spent so much time with her when I wasn’t. I feel the same about things she will never get to enjoy anymore, I don’t want to enjoy them either. I felt mistakes were made and she could have been around longer. I don’t know if I want to carry on, I feel like there no’s point. People say but she would want you to do this and that but they have no idea of the pain I’m in. I have no partner or children just a career that I don’t care about anymore. I don’t know what to do.

  • Hello MW101010 and welcome.  So sorry you are feeling so rough.  I know from losing both my own parents (some time ago now) that the period between the death and the funeral sort of carried you along with things to do and visitors but - after the funeral - you suddenly find yourself trying to get along the best you can and it ain't easy.    Please be assured that what you are feeling is natural; although we know in theory that our parents are likely to die before we do nothing prepares you for when it happens.    If you read through some of the posts on this forum you will find quite a few people having similar thoughts and pain to those you describe.  You might like to respond to some of their posts and discuss what you are going through.   The funeral was only yesterday, don't expect too much from yourself and don't take too much notice of people giving you good advice; they mean well but I know it can be difficult to smile and be pleasant.    Just take things one day at a time; there is no set timescale for grieving or the manner of grieving; you have to do what feels right for you .  I still "talk" to my mum both in my mind and sometimes out loud and I have bits and pieces (my parents wedding photo and other things) which keep my parents memory alive in my home.    Please feel you can come here at any time just to say how you are feeling and thinking about.  Once a little time has passed you may think it a good idea to change your job (not knowing anything about your situation I accept I cannot really comment) to something that will stimulate you.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hiya I completely understand where you are coming from I lost my mum suddenly in August and feel absolutely cheated! She was my best friend I was always doing stuff with her and enjoyed it! I welcomed my first born daughter in June and she was there to witness the birth everything in my life was great she helped throughout my whole pregnancy. Then suddenly about mid July she started to get a cough and became really tired we all thought it was a chest infection well come early August she was admitted to hospital and a couple of days later died. I cannot believe it or understand this awful timing she was so excited to be a first time nan and then feel god just whipped her away from us both. I have to carry on for my baby and to be fair I want to for her because she needs her mum but everyday I wake up angry at the situation I am in this was not in the plan and feel I will be gutted about it for the rest of my life I really search for answers that one day we will be able to meet again. 

  • Oh annie liz it is so traumatic to lose your mum. I lost my mum 4 years ago and miss her just as much but manage to get on with life. Your grief is so new and raw just now and it is absolutely normal to feel how you do. Your mum would want you to be happy and eventually you will emerge a stronger person and she will always be with you in your heart and mind. Let yourself grieve and slowly very slowly the world will start turning again. Take care of yourself.

  • Hi MW I am genuinely sorry to read your post and believe although I cannot start to fully understand exactly your own feelings I hope you dont mind me telling you that I felt deeply that life wouldnt be worth living without my mum.  It is a little over 3 years since my mum died and there are still days when i feel it is all too much. But I remeber all she taught me and how precious life is and i manage to carry on. I even laugh at the fun times we shared. I never thought I would smile again. I wanted to shut myself away and indeed I did taking 9months off work and refusing to have people to my home or go out. My brother is ill now and Im finding it hard to cope but when I think of all he is having to go through, on top of his terminal diagnosis it makes me want to be strong for him, he amazes me daily. Inside Im terrified and want to bury my head in the sand but he is facing his mortality head on and I admire him. He inspires me. I havent posted much on here but I think sometimes just being able to express your emotions anonymously and without judgement helps in some small way. It is so very true you must literally take things hour by hour and then day by day. I too still talk to mum. Kind Regards. 

  • Hi. 

    I feel exactly the same. 

    Today is a month since my dads funeral. 

    He was doing so well. Through treatment. And we didn’t expect him to go so soon. 

    Like you I’m feeling like I can’t carry on without himm

    he was my best friend. 

    I have the rest of my family. My wife. Etc but I talked to my dad in ways I can’t talk to others. 

    Hope you get through this. 

    I am trying to get through each day. One step at a time. 

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. I’m still very much in grief and think daily about taking my own life just so I can be with her again. I miss her so much it literally takes my breath away and I wish every day that I would not wake up. I have so many regrets even though gh I spent more time with her than most people do with their Mums. I feel like I can’t do anything  that my Mum would enjoy because it makes me sad and feel guilty that she can’t anymore. I don’t know what I’m going to do or why I should even try. I’m so sorry for your loss and for what your brother is going through. Xo

  • Hello again MW101010.  It is still relatively early days and you have a lot of grieving to get through - just take it as feels right to you.  Do not even think about taking your own life (please) - what would your mum  have to say about that?  (No, seriously, what would she say?)  The telephone number for the Samaritans is Freefone 116123; when you are feeling at your lowest give them a ring and they will help you.  Also of course come back here at any time if you just want to discuss your feelings.  You might like to also consider visiting your GP who may feel you would benefit from anti-depressants.   I think most of us have regrets when we lose a parent; I know I do.  We  (or "I" to be specific) take them for granted and when we become mums ourselves we realise just how much they did and sacrificed for us.  But mums love unconditionally.  Please keep in touch.  Annie

  • Hi MW101010,

    I am very sorry for your loss, I know how awful you feel having lost my mum in September. It just isn't fair and the grief you feel can be as though somebody has ripped your heart out; to be so close and then not having her there is traumatic, I do understand. My mums funeral didn't really bring any closure just bought home how final it all was. 

    It is obvious from your post how much you loved your mum, it won't feel like it now and the truth is, you'll never get over it but I do believe that you do reach a stage of acceptance and you will slowly start to not feel guilty about enjoying something that perhaps you shared together before and the memories won't be filled with sadness.

    I try and think what my mum would say to me, I know she wouldn't want me to be so sad, it would break her heart, her faith was so strong and she had no fear of death, she used to have this saying..."not to worry"

    There is a lady on the forum who says, the person is not gone, they're safely in your heart....I know my mum isn't here for me to hold but she's in my heart and I'm trying to be strong, I know she's here in spirit. Shane63 is right, day at a time.

    Please take care of yourself,


  • Thanks Annie. I’m trying, I really am but I feel I have no one anymore. I have quite a big career as a celebrity makeup artist that made my Mum really proud but now I don’t care about it anymore. I walked out in the road today without looking hoping a car would kill me. I think my friends are already fed up with my misery. My doctor wouldn’t give me anti depressants as he said they take a while to kick in but it’s been nearly 2 months now and I feel worse. I keep re reading her texts and emails to me and she seems still alive and then it hits me again that she’s gone and I can’t bear it

  • Thank you for your kind words, Im really trying to hold on xo