Cannabis oil for cancerous tumours


my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer over a year ago now at age 51, he has gone through hell and back this past year with chemotherapy, infections in between, blockages in stent, radiotherapy, more infections the list is endless, we were finally told in December that he would be ready to have the whipple procedure done January the 17th. The start of his healing journey and getting our lives back to somewhat normal, we believed. Unfortunately the tumour is invading a blood vessel so the full procedure couldn't be done, he's to have more treatment this year, chemo/radiation, we won't know the full plan for another 6 weeks. So we started him on cannabis oil, worth a try we thought, so I would love to hear some success stories, from anyone where cannabis oil stopped the growth of cancerous tumours or eliminated them completely. Anyone got any good feedback? Would be much appreciated as we are just distraught with this major set back:( thank you xx 

  • Hello CharlieBear-MissWillow,

    I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Poor him he seems to have been through so much and it's such a shame that he could not have the full Whipple procedure due to the fact the tumour is invading a blood vessel. 

    I can completely understand why you are feeling distraught after this major setback. It must be frustrating to have to wait 6 weeks to have the full treatment plan and I hope that you find out more soon about what his options might be. Our website has useful information about treatment for pancreatic cancer and if you ever have any questions or wanted to talk about anything, feel free to give our cancer nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    While there is evidence that medicinal cannabis products can help manage pain and side-effects from cancer treatment there is currently no reliable evidence that it can effectively treat cancer in patients. Further trials are needed to understand whether cannabis-containing products could be used to treat cancer in the future. 

    Cannabis oil is currently illegal in the UK without a prescription as it contains the mind altering substance THC. As cannabis oil has not been scientifically tested in the same way as conventional treatments it could potentially cause side effects and interfere with your husband's future treatments so it's important that you talk to your husband's medical team first about this. 

    I hope this information we have about cannabis oil will be useful as well but if you'd like to have a chat with one of cancer nurses, they're just a phone call away so don't hesitate to get in touch with them.

    Wishing you and your husband all the very best at this difficult time.

    Kind regards,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator