Cancerous Polyp bowel

I had a 7x5 cm polyp removed two weeks ago. Have been told that 2 out of the 3 layers that were dissected are cancerous. It was a flat polyp. Told 8% chance of spread. So 92% chance of no spread. Trying to view this as good news despite feeling anxious. CT scan next week and the meeting with consultant to discuss further options. Because I was a bit thrown by the phone call I didn't ask two questions.

Q1 if two thirds were cancerous would those be the top two thirds , so would the third that was against the wall of the bowel be clear. (I had breast cancer 27 years ago and this was how it was presented) and if that is the case does that greatly reduce the chance of spread.

Q2 can a CT scan pick up cancer in lymph nodes and if not how will they know those are clear? The consultant said that's what they needed to make sure of, no spread to lymph nodes. And second part to this question is I am overweight will the CT scan be affected by that? 

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat community Cupani although I'm sorry for the reason you're posting.

    No doubt this is an anxious time but I just wanted to stop by to wish you well with your CT scan next week. I also hope your consultant is able to answer the questions you've mentioned in your post but our cancer nurses are available for a chat on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m if you'd like to discuss this with them as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator