Cancer results

Im just terrified as what the consultant is going to say this wednesday 26th get my results, but he has already told me 98%.5 that its cancer, had a biopsy 2 weeks ago, as its on both overies, my peritinium, and my liver, i suffer really bad with panic attacks, but this has just made me feel worse, so i have to have diazapam, im so scared at what hes going to say regards xx

  • Hi Leasa, 

    I just wanted to pop by and give you our best wishes for your appointment tomorrow. 

    Are you taking someone with you to the appointment? It may be helpful if you struggle with anxiety to have that support from a family member or friend. You might want to write down any questoins you have ahead of the appointment so you won't forget anything. You'll also be able to write down any information at your appointment. 

    Post and let us know how you get on tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator