Canabis oil,

Hi can someone please give me a positive reply about canabis oil please, I’m new here and lookin for positivity 

  • Sure, no problem. It's positively useless as a cancer cure, and you'll be positively wasting your time and money if you buy it. The people who peddle this bullsh-- are selling false hope. They positively deserve to be hung from the nearest lamp-post, whilst being connected to the positive side of an electrical transformer.

    I hope that is positive enough for you.

    On the negative side, there is no evidence that cannabis oil is of any value in the treatment for cancer. Cancer isn't one disease, but rather a catch all term for 100s of related diseases, and it's always going to be unlikely that a single form treatment would ever cure all of them.

    I'm afraid that cannabis oil is just another useless quack cure, in a large list that is too long to write here, so instead I'll give you a link: Unproven and disproven cancer treatments (Wikipedia) 


  • Hi Jonjor, My mum is in the process of diagnosis with 2 tumours in the right lung, mediastinal lymph node involvement and a mass in the pelvic area. We started her on cannabis oil the day after initial diagnosis by the consultant. Whether it can cure cancer or not I don't know but what it has done is allowed her to get more than 7 hours sleep per night versus 2 hours without meds ( before she went to doctors) and 4 hours with meds (amitryptaline, tramadol with oramorph top up). Her appetite also seems better than before she started the oil. For us the oil seems to be helping.
  • I had never heard of cannabis being a cure of any kind but am aware that some people - including someone known to myself - have found it makes it easier to relax and cope with their treatment.  Zoezazu, it is good to hear how it is helping your mum.  I realise that it may not suit everyone but, johnjor, if it suits your needs or the needs of someone close to you then go for it.  I believe it can be legally prescribed in the UK but really know very little about this - perhaps someone who has received it can explain.

  • I've heard about quite a few say, it helps relieve pain, not ment to be a cure .. and when you hear some are in pain and loved ones don't know how to help,  try anything ... it's not like at the end of life, it could harm ... just my opinion ... 

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Johnjor.

    As I noticed your message I just wanted to stop by and share some information we have on our site in the form of a blog post. It explains, in a nutshell, that there isn’t currently enough reliable evidence to prove that cannabinoids can effectively or safely treat cancer patients. Research is ongoing though.

    I hope you find it helpful.

    Our nurses are also available if you’d like to ask any questions about this and you can reach them at this phone number 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday, 9 am – 5 pm.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • In addition to not being a doctor, I'm also not a lawyer nor a police officer!

    Cannabis in the UK is a class B narcotic and possession is an offence that can carry a prison sentence. It is also illegal to grow, sell, or distribute it. Possession of small amounts may get you a formal warning for a first offence and the police in some areas may be more tolerant than others. 

    There are a couple of drugs based on cannabis that are legal in the UK. These are Nabilone and Sativex. Both have very specific uses and cannot be bought over the counter. 

  • Thank you, Renata, for drawing our attention to this.  Extremely interesting - I seem to have missed out on this debate.

  • Sorry if you got wrong end of stick .. personally I have never used it or any other drug except  prescription... but I don't judge any one on what they do ... and I was only passing on what I'd heard ..

  • Hi Jonjor,

    My thoughts on cannabis oil as a cure for cancer are similar to Telemando's. However, some people swear by its pain relieving properties. Sadly it doesn't get you high and because there's no legal market for it in the UK the quality of the product you buy varies a lot. There have even been cases of online scammers selling engine oil as CBD. Millions of dollars are being made selling this stuff and people have died because they rejected conventional treatment and self-medicated with CBD instead.

    The legality of selling CBD in the UK is confused. For a few weeks it appeared to have been legalised but then the rules were better explained and it isn't legal to sell it without a licence. See

    I hope this helps!

  • hi if only I could, just go with whatever makes you feel positive