Can the phesgo injection contribute to hair loss?


Is anyone know the Phesgo injection alone (not as a part of chemotherapy treatment) cause the hair loss? 

  • Hello Lily0221

    I'm tried to find some information to answer your question but unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about it. You might want to consider giving our team of nurses a call with your query. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040 and I'm sure they will be happy to try and help with some information. 

    Alternatively, you could use the forum search function to look for the phrase "Phesgo". I can see that we've had a number of posts over the past few months where this treatment has been mentioned. It may be that you're able to chat with another member who has experience with this drug that way. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jenn,

    Thanks for your reply.

    All the best,


  • Hey [@Lily2021]‍ 


    i had EC chemo which made my hair fall out. I am now on taxol weekly and phesgo once a cycle and my hair is growing back. From what I gather from the nurses at the hospital the phesgo is a cell targeting drug you must be HR2 + like me so it's targeting those cells. 

    Its a newish combination drug so I think the amount of information will be limited at the moment. From my own experience I would say it doesn't effect hair growth although everyone's different. 

    I hope that helps 

    Lizzy xx

  • Thank you so much for your reply Lizzy

  • Hi I have been on phesgo alone for over a year.  I have suffered from most of the side effects. At present I am suffering from severe itching and am just starting to lose my hair which is worrying.  I am worried about the hair loss as most sites say hair will regrow when treatment is stopped but I have been told I will be on Phesgo indefinitely.

  • Hi personally I didn’t suffer from hair loss while I was on phesgo and I was on it for eight years privately. It’s now stopped working for me, and i have moved onto Enhertu another new targeting drug which is! making my hair thin worse luck. Hope this helps, good luck! Ps the itching was also a problem for me and I use to scratch my arms until they would bleed, it got that bad! A kind consultant advised a low dose of gabapentin 100mg three times a day, which helped tremendously, hope this helps you too! Take care 

  • Thank you for your very helpful reply. Cross fingers my hair loss is slowing down. I now have some regrowth resembling baby down! Perhaps it was just old age. Anyway I am glad I am not going bald. My itching is still bad, mainly my back especially at night. I was prescribed fexofenadine hydrochloride which helps. Good luck with Enhertu. Hope the side effects aren’t bad. Take care