Can someone please explain FIT test to me



I have had a  positive FIT, 172.

Ive read online anything above 20 is abnormal but also read the cut off is 100. 




  • Hello MrsS18, 

    Information about the FIT test can be found on our website on this page. As mentioned on our website, having a positive FIT test doesn't necessarily mean you have cancer as the blood found can also be caused by other medical conditions but it is important to follow your doctor's advice and see whether additional testing is required and what they think the next steps might be. It might be worth giving your GP a call and asking what these figures might mean. If you want to talk to one of our nurses about the FIT test, they will be happy to explain things to you in detail. You can get in touch with them on this free number 0808 800 4040  - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Hopefully, you will hear from other members who have had a positive FIT test themselves and they will be able to enlighten you further and share their experience with you.

    Everything tightly crossed for you that you get some definite answers very soon.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator