CA125 test result 90

Hi. I'm a 46 year old female and I've been having abdominal/gastric problems since last December after coming off the contraceptive pill in August 2019. My symptoms seemed to get worse monthly and seemed to tie in with my monthly periods. I had blood tests done last week and found out that my CA125 result was 90. I'm now on a two week wait for an urgent scan to find out if I have ovarian cancer. I'm pretty terrified to be honest and wanted to know if anyone out there has experienced the same type of situation?


**Update 18th Dec - had my ultrasound yesterday that looked at my upper abdomen, lower pelvic area and ovaries. The sonographer was able to give me information at the time. She found nothing glaringly obvious of concern and said my ovaries looked fine. She said that the bowel is never very visible  on an ultrasound so my gp may want to look into that further. It's a really good outcome and i just wanted to post this update to reassure anyone who may have a raised ca125 that it's not always  bad news. Hope this helps.

  • Just wanted to say hi and say how much I sympathise as I'm going through the same. It's completely terrifying and whilst there are lots of reassuring posts on here I seem to have every single symptom of OV including raised ca125. I wish you all the best. Keep in touch x

  • Hi there

    in much the same. Lots of waiting for tests to be arranged now. I'm super distressed and not coping particularly well. Hope you are ok x

  • Sorry to hear that you're feeling like that.

    I'm not too good to be honest either. I ended up going to A & E for 8 hours on Saturday night with chest pains and feeling really unwell. They ended up doing loads of tests and, while nothing was super serious, they did a different test on me called a D-dimer test. My result was elevated which can show evicdence of blood clots or cancer so that compounded my worry really.

    Its all a bit of a nightmare but I'm trying to remain positive - much, much easier said than done. I hope you feel a little better and that you hear some news soon. Take care x

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. As you say, you must remain positive. I imagine you thought the worst with your liver and look how that ended up.

    it's so hard because I'm the absolute worst for the worry.

    Tried to keep my brave face on all weekend for the kids but I just feel so low with the anxiety now.


    keep me updated and best wishes x 

  • Hi,

    How are you? Hope you're doing ok x

  • Hi there

    yeatetday I had some amazing news, my ca125 repeat was 26. I'm so unbelievably relieved.

    but my symptoms are getting much worse. Particularly at night. I now have the bloating and abdominal pains but after being lay in bed for half an hour I get this desperate feeling of needing a wee when I know I have an empty bladder. It's not a bacterial infection and my urine is clear. It hurts a lot and keeps me up. Then in the day I'm at work with the abdominal pains and pants undone. It's all so confusing.


    but, I'm so so happy that marker has come down.

    I have mri on 23rf but won't get my results till new year. I'm terries about what they might find on that.

    also, I totally forgot to tell you. When I spoke with my gynaecologist he said that ranges for ca125 between 50-100 often turn out to be endometriosis, especially if the symptoms tie into monthly cycles. Mine don't but I re read your post just now and realised yours do.  Maybe something to look at.

    how are you feeling about Friday? I hope you are ok xx 

  • Hi. I've only just seen your message and I literally burst into tears reading the info about the ca125 range and possible endometriosis. It was so good to read that. I know it's not definitive but that has brought me so much relief I can't begin to describe. It's made me feel so much more hopeful!

    Great news about your level reducing - so happy for you! Do they know why its decreased at all and what that means for you? It must still be concerning for you with your symptoms and the waiting is a nightmare. I hope you get some info soon and try your hardest to think good thoughts now that the possibility of the c word has decreased!

    I was so worried for Friday (and I still will be), but I can't tell you how better you have made me feel. Thanks so much for the info.

    I'll keep you up to date with my progress. I hope you'll be ok. Please message me if you're feeling worried etc. We will get through this xx

  • Oh I'm so gladthat has helped in a small way. I feel like I have done so much reading about ca125 recently. I found one paper particularly helpful for me because it was one which looked at specific level of ca125 and your age and then plotted it against the percentage of people who turned out to have OC. It helped me because it showed how little the chances are again. It's here If you scroll to figure 2 in the results section I found that graph simple and helpful.

    I'm a scientist by trade so maybe it's just me but I like data to calm me down about this stuff. But I'm still not very good at coping if I'm honest!

    i will be thinking of you tomorrow. Do you have the scan with a consultant radiology or Sonographer? I ask because consultants can give you answers there and then. I was lucky enough to get one and she told me everything she was looking at and that it appeared normal. 

    also, when in your cycle was your bloods done? There's so much conflicting information out there about wh we her a period will affect the results but I believe that's what made mine high now because I was on day 3. My gynaecologist mentioned something about retrograde menstruation causing it. 

    hope you're ok. Keep yourself as busy as possible today x