Brother is dying of Cancer (neewbie)

Hi, I am new to this site and not really sure what to say. My brother was diagnosed  with stomach cancer in January and told he had up to a year to live. Up until recently he has been in fairly good health and it was easy to forget that he had this dreadful disease, but over the last couple of weeks his health has gone downhill very fast. He was admitted to hospital at the weekend as he was severely dehydrated due to being sick everytime he ate or drank anything. I was told today that he is now there to die, he has stopped eating all together now. I visited him today and  was totally shocked at the ghost of the man that was there.He has so little strength left and has started to see things that are not there due to the morphine he is on. My Sister in law has told me that they will steady increase the dosage of morphine so that he sleeps more. I am finding it really hard to accept that I am going to loose him soon, I love my brother so much. I lost my mum at an early age and my heart is breaking for my neice and nephews knowing what they are facing. My Sister in law is so strong, I wish I had had her strength. Don' t know how I am going to get through this, sometimes feels like there is noons to speak to, noone outside the family really understands

  • I'm so sorry for the reason you came on this site you not alone everyone on here really understand what you going though.its good sometime just write down how you feeling or what you going though.losing someone you love is living nightmare it's so hard watching them go though cancer.its even harder watching them die there nothing you can do just be there that all we can do.some how we find the strength to keep going everyone copes differen situation my mother she got bowel cancer two years now she went for check up in July they found mass she had to have more test done.they didn't know if it was on here ovary or bowel turned out to be on here bowel. We haven long been told that the cancer in here blood we was told inoperable and she haven got long.its so hard one day you acting like normal then it hits you it don't seem really some I said you came to right place take care my thoughts are with you at this sad time. 

  •      I'm really sorry about your brother.

         I'm on the terminal side of this discussion so I can't really say that I understand it from the point of view of a concern person who deeply worries about their sick love one.

         What I can relate though is the experience that your brother had, basically me too, felt like there is nothing wrong me when I was initially diagnosed with a terminal illness. I could still jog/walk for 5 to 8 kilometers everyday without experiencing any fatigue, had a very healthy appetite, didn't lose any weight, didn't feel any pains, even my infrequent light case of haematuria stopped completely. 

         My family had started to believe that I had a benign tumor and even encouraged me find a new job. But now I can feel the cancer is spreading. I now have a large palpable lump in my abdomen, nausea, vomitting, frequent haematuria, chest pains, progressive cough, severe headaches, dizziness, seizure, flashes in my vision, fatigue, etc.

         Personally, I believe your sister-in-law is doing the right thing. Looks like she already have her priority straigthen out and is now focusing her full effort in relieving your brother's pain and giving him comfort as much as she can. I think thats very reassuring.

         As a terminal patient who had accepted my fate, I kinda feel that those love ones who are still in despair/in denial are dragging me down. You know, its like Im pretty much  ready to go on a journey, ready to go home, and a relative keeps on hiding my luggage.

         Im not saying you shouldn't grieve/feel sad or give up and lose hope, because acceptance do requires us to follow a process. But once you do reach such a point and realize the bigger picture of life, it is easier to understand these things and circumstances that are natural and are way beyond our control... at least thats how i feel.

         I sincerely hope that you will be able to find the courage and the strength and the focus that will carry you through your ordeal.


  • Thanks for replying Gemini, I am so sorry to hear about your mum, must be such a worry.It will be comforting for your mum to have you by her side. It is such a horrible illness and affects so many people.I don't really think you appreciate the impact something like this can have on you until you have experianced it. There are so many heart breaking stories from families and sufferers on this forum, it is hard to comprehend. My brother has amazed the doctor in that he is still able to partake in a little bit of conversation - he still has fight left iin him. My side of the family have never been one for showing emotion, hugging etc so it was a true honour today to be able to hold his hand and to know I was offering him a little bit of comfort. I know the next few days are going to be hard for the family but I just wantr my brother to be at peace now and out of pain - I know our mum will be waiting for him which really helps. Take care of yourself

  • Thanks for replying, I was having a dark day when I posted and your conversation really helped me. I am so sorry to hear that you are in the same situation as my brother. Right from the outset my brother accepted His fate and has never made a fuss, sounds like you are exactly the same. I think the fact that he was so "healthy" until a few weeks ago made it harder to accept - you start to believe that maybe things would be OK after all. The first time I visited him in hospital I was a mess, couldn't stop crying, but after reading your post you made me realise the impact that must have had on my brother. I made him cry on the first visit which I am really ashamed of. I visited again today and it was so different. My mind set thanks to you was in a different place, were all calm and talked - even got a laugh from him which was great. I kind of get what you mean about it being like a journey, I read once that life is like a train journey, with people getting on and off at different stops along the way, we don' t know when our stop will come so need to make the most of life whilst we can. Please take care of yourself and if you ever need someone to talk to please get in touch, my thoughts are with you

  • I'm so very sorry to hear about your brother. I am in the same boat right this moment my brother in law has terminal lung cancer which has now spread to his brain in the space of 8 months he's has lost so much weight it is unbearable to see him this way. We have just been told he only has 8 weeks left to live he does not eat or drink he is currently in hospital on morphine. My heart truly goes out to you and your family, this disease is the most awful thing to watch destroy your loved ones. All we can do is be strong. My sister moved 3 hours away from us to buy a house with him and not even a year into living together we got the diagnosis, it's heartbreaking for everyone who knows the person. All I can take from this is that once he has passed he will no longer be in pain and will be at peace. He is also leaving behind three children and it's just so so upsetting. I have moved in with my sister to be with her and offer her as much support as I possibly can. There's just no words to make any of the pain go away. I'm not religious but I've prayed for a miracle which we now know won't be happening. I wish you and your family peace with your brother when he passes and truly hope you all know that the love they have for us will never fade. They will be gone from this earth physically but in our hearts and minds they will live forever. My thoughts are truly with you all at this horribly sad time x
  • My sister passed away last night agedc40 liver cancer. Once she stopped eating she passed away rather quickly whichbim thankful for she had little pain too which is a plus also. She did suffer but not as much as I expected her too. Wishing you all the best 

  • Hello troffer123, 

    I just saw your post and on behalf of the moderation team I just wanted to stop by and offer our condolences to you and your family on the passing of your sister.

    I'm glad to hear that she wasn't in pain and you were with her at the end.

    Post as much as you need to troffer and remember that we are here for you if you need us.

    Our thoughts are with you at this time.

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I feel ur pain xxx 12 months ago my brother was diagnosed with  cancer . 2 brain tumours. . He's had all the treatment and then told it hasn't worked .. there is no norepinephrine can be done.. 12 months ago the doctors where saying 18 months the most.  My brother is now in the cancer hospice care and we know it's not good.. he is rapidly get illerror as the days go by.. only yesterday the started to give him the morphine pump  and he doesn't even wake up much since. . As a family we know he hasn't got long left and it's breaking our hearts ato the though of loosing him.. 2moro we have a meeting with his care team and I personally am breading the outcome. . Love my brother so much don't know wat to do when we loose him .. xxx 

  • I am new to this as well. Reading these posts have helped me a lot. My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in March. She has been receiving Keytruda which has stalled the lung cancer but not any of the other peripheral cancers. She is so tired. She is so thin. She wants to remain independent but that door is closing. Maybe this is a personal journey for her and I don't know how to help her. My thoughts are with all of you and thank you.  

  • It's been times since u posted, today we are in your position please tell me how u managed
