Breast swelling, lump and pain - 21 year old

Hi All, 

I’m new here, and honestly not really sure whether what I’m feeling is even valid enough to be posted. A few weeks ago my right underarm was quite painful and slightly swollen (however, I put this down to the heavy anti-perspirants that I have used)! And shortly after that subsided, I felt a lump in my right breast, a bit below where my underarm is.  It’s extremely painful, and somewhat swollen too. I’ve also been getting quite bad right sided chest pain too, and a slightly numb feeling down my right arm and face which comes and goes. My right arm and breast feels quite heavy. My gp said the lump was moveable (although I’m not sure if it is myself),  but was still a considerable size so she sent me to the breast clinic anyway, (she said this was standard procedure for any lump). 

 Could I ask for anyone else with a cancer scare (in the form of a lump), which turned out to be something benign/cyst etc. How long did that lump/pain take to go away? 

I really don’t want to invalidate any one else’s struggles at all, and don’t want to make a big deal. Whilst I know considering my age, and the pain I’m experiencing it could possibly not be anything serious, but unfortunately it’s really triggering my health anxiety! I have my breast clinic appointment tomorrow, and I think this is potentially making me even more nervous! I’m assuming I’ve had the lump for a couple of weeks, as prior to this when I checked I didn’t feel anything! I’m not too sure if it’s because of the fact that I’ve had really long days at university recently, thus have topped up my deodorant quite a few times throughout the day and this has caused irritation or whether it’s something more sinister.

Apologies if I’ve said anything that has offended anyone, I wish all you incredible people who are suffering with cancer strength and send you all my love. 

Thank you. 

  • Hello lovely, hope you’re doing okay I just came across your post so thought I’d share my experience. I’m 20, 21 soon and a couple of months ago I found a large lump in my breast. I’d never had any lumps before so straight away I panicked and thought it must be cancer. Stupidly I went online and saw so many stories about young women with breast cancer and scared myself but luckily came across this forum which really helped to calm me down. Anyway, I had an ultrasound and they actually found 3 lumps in my boobs and all were completely normal breast tissue. I was told that some women who don’t have much fat can sometimes feel lumpy breast tissue and it can make them worry. Try not to panic too much as I’m sure it’ll all be fine and even if not this forum is amazing. I was also told that so many young women come in with these complaints, it’s more common than you think! Do let us know how you get on and feel free to give me a message if you need a chat:) Best of luck xxx 

  • Hi my love,


    Thank you so much for your reassuring reply! Honestly googling is the worst. I’ve never had any breast lumps before either and I think that’s what’s been more of a shock! Thank you for your kind words - it’s much appreciated, and I’m thrilled that yours wasn’t anything to be concerned about! I definitely will keep you updated! Xx


  • You’re more than welcome:) I googled like crazy before my appointment and it does absolutely no good but I know it’s hard not to when you just want answers! Try and stay away from google and I’m sure you’ll feel better:) xxx

  • You’re an absolute sweetheart! If you don’t mind, I had some questions and I’ve tried to message you directly but it’s saying that you need to accept my friend request before I can send you a message. I’d be super grateful if that’s okay! Thank you so much again! Xxx

  • Of course it’s okay! I’ve sent you a message :) xx

  • Hey ladies,

    I thought I’d just pop on here as I went to the breast clinic last year when I was 22 because I found a lump in my left breast. Having had an ultrasound, they actually found I had 3 in my left breast and 5 in my right one - with 3 large ones in my right breast. There and then they diagnosed them all as fibroadenomas which are completely benign. I can’t tell you how much I panicked and googled just like you two, I think it’s a natural thing to do! 

    No doubt you’ll get through this with a benign result :) 8 out of 10 referrals are benign after all! X

  • Thank you so much! I have just got back from my appointment and all is clear. She did an ultrasound and said that its a build up of glandular tissues which they call an "Island of glandular tissues" and thats what is causing the lump and the swelling around it to be quite tender. She said it should either subside by my next period or that it will just become a part of my breast. Thank you so much for all your support and re-assuring words! xx

  • That must be such a relief! Knew you’d be okay:) xx

  • Ah I’m so glad it went well! Xx

  • Hi 

    I'm 25, and Im going crazy with anxiety.


    i went to the gp yesterday who felt a lump in my breast , said it was quite big and had referred me to  a clinic in 2 weeks time.

    i have had night sweats for the past 3 days, which is totally unlike me, I've been googling like mad and have begun preparing for the worst.


    i have not begun getting pain in my right breast and I'm not sure if that's because it's been touched so much or it's actually giving me pain.


    really worried , I can't cope with the anxiety around this , and the two week wait is unbearable!


    i have quite small boobs and thought this was normal but it doesn't seem normal to my gp.


    any advice? 


    feeling so low