Breast referal mentions sinister lump!!

I'm still waiting for my breast appointment following a gp appointment. I've just requested a copy of my referal from the gp, that was a bad move!!


It says suspected cancer, gp felt two lumps, one being marked down as "sinister".


I'm so so scared. I can't think straight and don't know what to so


Referal below. 


I haven't told my family so have nobody go talk too. 


Urgent Suspected Cancer
Clinical Information Additional information (including relevant examinations and investigations)
Presenting Complaint / Problem
Reason for Referral
breast lump
Clinical Details (free text):

Dear Colleague,
This 35 year old lady presents with a lump in her right breast which is tender. She says she has a similar lump on the left side but this is not tender and she is still breast feeding.

On examination she has 1cm rubbery swelling bilaterally above the nipples and one in the medial quadrant of the right breast, however the swelling that she points out over the nipple on the right breast feels a llttle more sinister. There is nothing to find in her axillae.




    Hi Haymil,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    Try not to worry about this. Most lumps referred to the breast clinic are referred as 'sinister', yet only 1 person in every 8 attending the breast clinic, gets a cancer diagnosis. The only way to know for certain whether or not there is anything untoward present, is to get your breast checked out. If the ultrasound or mammogram shows up anything suspect, you will have a biopsy. This is the only way to be certain whether there is cancer present or not.

    You should get an appointment through within bout 2 weeks from the date of your referral. I sincerely hope that all turns out ok. Please keep in touch and let us know.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • They have to word it so. Otherwise, you'd probably be waiting months.

    I went through a blood issue many years ago, and my gp told me to my face he did not think it was anything sinister, but would refer me to a haematologist. Back then, urgent referrals were handed to you there and then as they would write a letter and hand it to you so you could make your own way up to the hospital, and give it to the appropriate department.

    Well, i opened the letter and it was certainly not what my gp had told me to my face. It stated something like suspected blood cancer. I freaked. The next time i saw my gp i asked him why what he told me and what was in the letter were two different things. He stated if they didn't word it so, the hospital would have complained about sending me in as an urgent referral and not as a routine patient (which would have been weeks or months).

    So yeah, it's not always the best thing to do and have a nosy because 1) We ultimately don't really have a clue why they word things as they do and 2) We're not qualified to interpret some information as you have now found out yourself.

    The long and the short of it, to get seen to in a timely manner, they have to justify it to the hospital. In your case, had the word "sinister" not been inserted you'd have been waiting months.

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. You have no idea how much it means to me. I'm so worried. I can't look at my boys without crying.


    I check once a month every month without fail and these lumps weren't there last month which is only adding to my worry. Xx

  • I do wish I had never pushed for a copy of the referal. I was worried before but since reading that it's sent me into a whole new level of panic!



    Hi Haymil,

    This is always a worrying time, as our imaginations tend to go into overdrive. I felt the same when I was first diagnosed 13 years ago. I had a second bout the following year.  I have since seen my children leave school, go to university, graduate, find gainful employment, get married and provide me with 2 wonderful grandchildren.

    I hope that your appointment comes through soon. Please let us know when it comes through.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx