Breast reduction on other breast Waiting times.

I have been waiting nearly 12 months for rebalance of other breast to try and match reconstructed side. My body image has been a huge problem for me. Only I have had 2 operation dates cancelled,both the day before operation. This has been a huge disruption to my life and work as well. For my sanity I have now gone private but I just wonder if anyone else has had a similar problem? Do the hospital bed managers think it is unimportant? Anyone have an opinion on this?  Myself I feel very let down by the NHS.

  • Hello Jane.

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been waiting so long for your surgery and that it's been cancelled on a number of occasions. I'm sure that it's been really frustrating both practically and emotionally to prepare for things only to have them cancelled the day before. 

    I'm not sure why the surgery would have been cancelled by the bed managers. If you want to pursue this with your hospital to try and give you some answers then I would suggest getting in touch with your PALs representative at the hospital in the first instance. 

    I hope that the surgery you have arranged now will go smoothly and that you're happy with the outcome. Do keep in touch Jane and let us know how things go. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator