Breast microcalcifications


I'm 56 I've just waited a week for more tests after an abnormal mammogram. I honestly thought they would say it was nothing at all as I don't have a lump. I went for further tests yesterday and it was a complete whirlwind. I seemed to turn into a passive weird person that I did not recognise! I didn't listen to anything they told me and but the gist was breast microcalcifications. Next second I was having a biopsy. 
I have to wait another week for results now. How do I get through the wait please any suggestions? 


  • Hi

    I'm get my biopsy results next Wednesday after lumpectomy and sentinal node lymph biopsy to see if my bc is just in breast or both. 

    I'm off work and alone all day but I just potter about as best I can and try not to overthink it. I know its not always easy.

    Let me know how you get on 
