Breast mammogram results

After receiving results on 14th of biopsies, scans etc, I received the bad  news of it is cancer. I will need a mastectomy  as I have a lump and calcification  show, cancer cells.. not the news I was expecting!  Can't explain how I feel but losing the breast to me is devasting .. feel less of a woman.. terrified of what's going to happen!..


    Hi Littledeb,

    I notice that this is the first time you’ve visited the site, so welcome. I am sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed 7 years ago after finding a lump myself. I have always been very fortunate with my health, so this came as a total shock. I was disgusted at the way I dealt with this. It opened up a whole Pandora’s  box  of emotions. I have since discovered that this is a normal reaction.

    Like you, I was terrified when I went to theatre, but the surgery went well. I have always had large breasts, so I was mourning the loss of my pride and joy before. Unfortunately, I couldn’t have reconstruction due to scars from other surgeries. Without this, I have had to get used to wearing prostheses, but you get used to anything and it doesn’t stop me from swimming.

    It is still early days for you as far as the healing process is concerned, but I hope that it settles soon.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are managing with your cancer journey. There is always someone here whenever you feel like talking.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx