Breast lump referral

Hi new to this, I am absolutely petrified, I went to the doctors a couple months ago with a lump the doctor felt it and said she doesn't think it's anything but to go back if it doesn't disappear, I went back and the doctor again said she doesn't think it's anything but she was going to do a non urgent referral due to my age, I've since found out it was put through as urgent refferal, so why would this happen? I am so scared I can't stop crying the lump is in the upper quadrant of my boob, it doesn't move but is by some of my stretch marks. 

  • Hi

    I'm by no means an expert; I only had my referral a couple of weeks ago! But I have been told that everyone with any form of breast change or symptom is referred under the urgent 2 Week Wait (2WW) scheme. I was just as scared when I saw the title, but it is the same referral for everyone. The only time you have a routine Breast Clinic appointment is for a non-symptomatic screening appointment due to age etc. I hope that helps and everything crossed that it turns out to be nothing to worry about x