Breast lump and pain


 im new and looking for some advice. I noticed a hard, lumpy area in the upper outer area of my left breast whilst in the shower a few days ago. Its only uncomfortable when i press the area. I have no other symptoms.

I have what I would consider lumpy breasts however this are is more noticeable and easy to find again due to the discomfort. It doesnt feel as prominant when lying down or when im wearing a bra. 

I'm 10 days before my period is due and wondered whether I should let my period come and go to see if that makes any difference? 


Has anyone else had similar symptoms?



  • Hi there ...

    Well I had lumpy boobs too ... and my first four call backs from mamorgrams were all clear... but the 5th was positive ...

    So although the odds are pretty good ... should always get lumps checked out ... don't worry if your sent on a two week refural, that's normal ... they try to get breast lumps looked at fast ... but 8.5 out of 10 breast lumps are fine... chrissie x

  • Hi Chrissie thanks for your post I think I'm going to call GP for an appointment if not I'm going to be driving myself nuts with worry! 

  • Hi N101,

    I would agree with Chrissie. If there is anything sinister, the sooner it is diagnosed and treatment starts the better.

    Don't put things off, make that appointment with your GP tomorrow. Ask for an emergency appointment and tell the receptionist of your suspicions when you make the appointment. This should help to reduce your 'worry time'.

    If your GP is at all suspicious, s/he will refer you to a breast clinic for further investigation.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there is nothing sinister found.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi

    Just a little update. I've seen a GP who has examined me, she agrees I have quite lumpy breasts and can feel the area I'm concerned about she thinks it's only slightly more lumpy than the other side and agrees im lymph nodes feel normal. As I have no other symptoms and she isn't concerned I've to observe it after my period has been and if I've any concerns to go back.

    I'm relieved but will be happier when the pain and lumpiness settles down. 

    Thanks for replying to my post x


    Hi N101,

    I hope that your appointment went well today. I am delighted to hear that your GP has put this down to lumpy boobs and is not concerned. It is also good to hear that your lymph nodes seem clear.

    If things don't settle after your period, please don't delay in going back to see your GP. If she has any doubts, she will refer you to the Breast Clinic. They will do tests to ensure that all is still ok, as this is the only way that they can be absolutely certain that you have nothing to worry about.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how youget on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • I will be going straight back if it doesn't settle. I do feel a little bit less worried than I was.

    Thanks again x