Breast Indentation

I discovered an indentation on on my right breast last week. Its right at the bottom of my breast literally where my rib cage is and is located between two stretch marks. I visited the GP surgery last Friday and was seen by an ANP. She did a thorough examination and said she could feel one lump in my right breast but it was easily movable and squishy. She has referred me to the breast clinic as it a new change with the indentation. I'm waiting on my appointment coming in but all I can think about is the worst case scenario. Whenever I go to the toilet I'm always checking it, I can't get it out of my head at all. I've only told my other half and 2 close friends. I don't want to unnecessarily worry my family as my mum suffers from terrible anxiety. I'm just so scared, I'm 29 and have an almost 9 year old. I worry for him more than me, I can't stop crying about the possibility of having to leave him he is my pride and joy and clings to me. I'm sorry for rambling on. 

  • Hi Lorraine,


    Thank you for your reply. However, when I'm with my son I will never ever display any feelings of worry. He has absolutely no idea what's going on, it's niggling away at the back of my head but I would never display that fear and worry to him. It's at night that's the problem and when I'm alone, it races through my head. I can get on with my day to day life and not let it consume me until it gets to night time and I think about it until I eventually fall asleep. It's not the best pattern to be in I realise that and I am trying to relax and just get on with it but it is very hard. I think the fear may go away slightly once I get an appointment in as I will know then when I can get an idea of what is going on, just keeping my fingers crossed it isn't too long. 

  • Hi sorry to jump on this chat but I attended my gp this morning as I thought I felt something on my left breast and also have dimpling and itching, when the gp examined me she said she could feel a mass behind where the dimpling is and red flagged me to the breast clinic 4 hours later I had a call to say they are seeing me in 2 weeks time I am so worried I am a mummy to a 12 and 9 year old and only 37 


    Do you definitely get results on the day? 

  • Hi Lorraine 


    thank you so much for your reply it means a lot... I am doing what you said I have packed each day with something to do and also have a busy few weeks in work also.



  • Hey, I have almost the exact same thing as you can I ask how you got on at the breast clinic I know you put this up a wile ago so fingers crossed everything went well. 

  • Hiya

    I had the same thing however I did also have a lump that seemed quite big in the same area.  I had surgery yesterday as mine is cancer but stay positive.  At the breast clinic which I attended alone due to covid I saw the consultant who had a feel and did ultrasound and marked two areas which was a bit of a shock but the other area is fine.  I then had mammogram which being large breasted was really uncomfortable.  I was then called back for another mammogram slightly different images so I knew something might not be right.  I then went into another room where biopsies were taken, the staff were lovely and I didn't feel a thing.  The lady doing the biopsies did talk me through what was going to happen and what noises I would hear which was a click when the biopsies are taken.  It was a strange feeling but not painful at all for me.  If you have cysts they might drain them in breast clinic. 

    I then came out and saw the consultant again who only gave me a little info and asked if I had questions but I had no idea what to ask at this stage so I did come out a bit shell shocked as I thought the worst.  I did ask his opinion on the lump I found which he said he thought that was cancer which to be honest I sort of knew but other area was bigger but they didn't know what that was, that turned out to be fibrosis probably didn't help that I was on my period that day too.

    Went back about 10 days later for results and told I woukd need surgery and radio.  Consultant seemed a lot brighter so lifted my spirits right up as I had prepared myself for the full works.  I didn't tell any family either until I came from breast clinic.  I think it helped me stay strong and composed around everyone.  I did tell a couple of work colleagues though.  I'll be honest I came straight home from the clinic and told hubby I burst into tears telling him but at that point he had to know.  We didn't tell the children, they are all adults, until we knew what we were dealing with and I'm so glad I waited as it was more positive news at the follow up. 

    They did a Lumpectomy yesterday and I feel fine at the minute not sore or in pain which us good. 

    Stay positive yours could be nothing but even if it could be something  they are so hot on breast cancer now and there is so much they can do that the outlook is a lot brighter than u think right now. 

    Hope all goes well maybe confide in a friend for you more than anything. 

    All the best 


  • Thank you for your reply I hope everything goes well with your treatment! I'm glad you sound very positive I think that's so important to stay mentally strong. I will stay away from dr google now he's not helpful at all!. I'm 31 and don't have a lump I've checked for days now my indent is at the bottom of my breast near the breast bone but only when I put my arms up and tense my breast muscle it goes away when I Stand still with arms down. I've to go back to the doctors in 2 weeks once my period is gone and if it's still there I've to go to the breast clinic. It's so hard not to worry especially over Xmas but the nurse said It would be there all the time not just when I'm tensing so hopefully it's not anything