Breast Dimple

Im mid 30's, no children and I recently found a puckering/dimple in my breast when I raise my arm. Saw my GP the same day and she did an urgent referral as there's a family history. I have since received a breast clinic appointment for 2 weeks time. GP could see the dimple but couldn't feel any lumps and neither can I. I've had some aching under my armpit on that side which I originally put down to my COVID vaccine but that was back in March and I still have it occasionally on that side and sometimes a shooting pain on that breast when I lie on that side. Has anyone had similar which turned out to be not sinister?

I felt ok initially and wasn't worried but have since seen photos online of exactly how my breast change looks which turned out to be cancer so I'm starting to worry and fell down a google rabbit hole!!!!

wondering what to expect at the breast clinic? Is there a specific order in which they do the tests? My GP thought it would he an ultrasound...if nothing on that would that be all they do? How long does it normally take etc?

  • Hello JEG

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently noticed some breast changes. It's understandably a worrying time for you but it's good to know that you already have your appointment booked at the breast clinic. 

    Typically at breast clinic you will be asked for some medical history and then be seen by a Dr or Clinical Nurse Specialist who will physically examine your breasts. As you're under 40 it's possible that they may not send you for a mammogram as women under 40 have more dense breast tissue and this makes it harder for abnormalities to be picked up. It may be that they want to have an ultrasound of your breast and sometimes this can be done on the day in the clinic or it may be that you have to wait. There's some information on the Breast Care Now website here which you may find helpful. 

    It may help to know that the vast majority of women who attend breast clinic are not diagnosed with cancer so try to stay positive and take things a day at a time. If you'd like to chat things through with one of our team of nurses you're welcome to call them for some advice and support. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Keep in touch JEG and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Honey

    i was referred by my GP back in May and went through the whole testing process. I'll share with you and it should give you a general idea of what to expect. 

    You may have some waiting around (you may not) so take a book/magazine in your bag. And maybe some water. My clinic had a cafe but not all do. My initial app took about 2.5hrs  


    So ... I was examinined initially by one of the senior breast care nurses. She said that she believed she could feel what I had been feeling but that I needed further tests. This is my left boob. Although both were examined throughout. 

    I then went on to have a mammogram. They did both boobs. The nurse then took the images to show the Dr and he requested some more images be taken at different angles of left boob. 

    From here I then had an ultrasound. The Dr carried this out. My right boob/lymph nodes all clear. Some cysts could be seen in left boob, along with a 3cm mass and some calcifications. 

    I underwent a core biopsy at the same time. Just on the lump. My lymph nodes weren't causing concern. The Dr took 3 samples and also placed a titanium marker in the lump. 

    I was then given a results app exactly 2 weeks later. Any biopsy results have to go before a multi-disciplinary team before you get them. When I returned for results I was able to take someone (I took a bestie). I saw the consultant who then went on to become my surgeon. 

    The whole process was far from ideal. I didn't want to be there. However, the staff were utterly amazing. So caring and knowledgeable. They definitely know what they're doing, looking for etc and this is exactly what you need. Not once have I doubted my treatment and recovery. 

    Sending love, fingers crossed your tests come back with positive results. Only 1:8 patients that are referred to the breast clinic receive a cancer diagnosis! Very likely all will be fine. Oh ... Try not to Google! It's a mistake most of us make and then wish we hadn't! ;/


    Sarah xx