Breast clinic- results on the day?

I have my first appointment at the breast clinic tomorrow after being referred by the GP.

Is anyone able to tell me how much I will know when I leave the appointment tomorrow?

Can they tell straight away if something is sinister? 


  • I had my appointment last week. They did an ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy. I get the results on Thursday. I think they try and give you an idea if they think it’s worrying or not worrying (they told me mine was worrying). But they can’t really say until they have examined all the tests. Hope it all goes well xx


    Hi Hollyberry,

    Sar's advice is spot on. Sometimes your consultant can be pretty sure that there is cancer present, other times not. You will have another anxious wait for 1-2 weeks to get the results of your tests and this is when your surgeon can be sure whether or not you have cancer.

    Of every 10 people referred to the breast clinic only 1 will be diagnosed with breast cancer, so here's hoping that you are one of the lucky ones.

    I hope that all goes well for you tomorrow.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Yes I had my biopsy and they said they would ring me the following week with the result. They thought it would be benign. Guess I knew when they rang me and asked to go in that it wasn't good news.

    However it's all good news now as it was caught very early and I'm now cured.

    Good luck with your results x

  • Hi holly,

    good luck with your appointment. I'm in same position I went to doctors today with some symptoms didn't think I had any lumps but doctor confirmed she found lumps this morning and sent a referral for breast clinic, they. Called me 2 hours later with appointment. So nervous but trying to stay positive. Let us know how you get on so I know what to expect at mine xx



    Things happen so quickly once you are referred to the breast clinic that it is frightening, especially when you don't really know what to expect. I expect that your phone call so soon after you saw your GP was possibly to try and fit you in before the Christmas holiday, so don't read too much into it.

    You will not be given a diagnosis at your first appointment. You will have a physical examination of both breasts, followed by a mammogram and/or an ultrasound, then possibly a  biopsy. There will then be a wait of 1-2 weeks for your results. Most of us would agree that this is one of the scariest times of our entire cancer journey - there are so many unknowns.

    It is always a good idea to take someone with you to all of your appointments if you can. It is also wise to draw up a list of questions for your consultant prior to each appointment.

    Keep yourself as busy as possible, which shouldn't be hard at this time of year. Try to avoid looking at Google. If you must go on to the internet, make sure that you only look at reputable sites. Others are poorly researched and would scare the pants off you.

    When is yor appointment for? Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Irene,

    I'm glad to hear that you've caught it early and that you are now cancer free. Did you need any treatment at all?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine - I was recalled following my mammogram and had the biopsies done. It was ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). I was told it was totally treatable, contained in the milk duct, non invasive and not life threatening. I never lost sight of all these facts during treatment.

    I had a wide local excision (lumpectomy) followed by 15 sessions of radiotherapy.

    My surgeon said I would be cured after treatment and they don't say that easily with cancer.

    I'm now on a patient led follow up programme. They don't send for me but they are only a phone call away if I have the slightest worry. I also have the reassurance of annual mammograms for the next 5 years.

    I consider myself extremely lucky that it was caught so early, mainly I think with the advacements in technology that is detecting these things so much earlier.

    I have so much empathy for those that post on here and hope and wish that their outcomes are as positive as mine

    Wishing you well - Irene x

  • Hi, thanks so much for the reply and explaining things I'm so nervous as I didn't even know I had any lumps I only went over some other symptoms with the same breast and then also the quick phone call back too.

    wel that's first thing I did was google and it's frightened off even looking now which is why I came on here as I know people have been or goin the through same thing.

    well they explained they had no apps before xmas but got me in for 28th decemember so although til be on the not knowing stage at least I can keep myself busy and enjoy xmas with my young daughter just incase it does turn out bad news.

    So I take it you have been through this process too if you don't mind me asking how did your results turn out? Hope all is well I will let know once I have been to my appointment how everything went. Do they let you know if they think it could be cancer on the day if they see anything worrying?

    thanks so much for getting back to me xx

  • Hi HollyBerry,

    I've been seen by the breast clinic for two incidents, one when I was 17 and one was the current incident at 41.

    Whether or not they will be able to tell you anything there and then is dependent on what they find.  If they examine you and believe it to be something like fibroadenoma they will be able to tell you there and then and put your mind at rest.

    My breast clinic doesn't do mammograms and biopsies, you are referred up to another part of the hospital for that.  So this time around they did an ultrasound, obviously saw a lump the size and presentation of which made them sure it was cancer.  They didn't tell me this at the time but they phoned the other department (with me in earshot) and asked for an urgent mammogram and biopsy and were there any cancellation slots that I could be fitted into.  So I had a pretty good idea of how confident they were that it was not only cancer but that it was already quite advanced.

    They could just as easily have found a lump that wasn't 'classic' and that they didn't think was necessarily cancer but that they needed to rule out cancer for.  That is a fairly common scenario.

    So, as others have said too, it really depends on how your lump appears to them.

    I will be hoping it turns out to be something innocuous.

    Best wishes,




    We all feel shell shocked when we realize that there is a possibility of a cancer diagnosis. We also tend to think that our cancer is the worst case it can be, even though this seldom turns out to be the case.

    I am glad to hear that you have stopped consulting Dr Google, as it will only serve to make you more scared than ever. You have a while to wait, but not too long considering that it is the Christmas period. What age is your daughter? I'm sure that you can indulge her and keep busy over the Festive season.

    I know that this cloud will be hanging over you at Christmas and I hope that you can enjoy the break despite this.

    Yes, I have been through this a few times. I initially found a lump 9 years ago and was diagnosed with mucosal cancer and had a lumpectomy, followed by Tamoxifen. I was told that I was fortunate that this was not a very aggressive type of cancer and was unlikely to spread. Unfortunately, a year later, almost to the day, I found another lump in the same breast and had a double mastectomy, followed by Letrozole for 6 years. I stopped taking these last year and now get monitored annually. I have also had a few false alarms, so I have been through this process a number of times and know just how scary it is waiting for results.

    Some consultants will give you a hint that they suspect cancer, while others won't until you get the results. However, you can never be certain until your results come back.

    Do please let us know how you get on on 28th. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx