Breast Clinic Results

Hi, first post, Belfast based. I've seen my GP and have a referral appointment to the  Breast clinic this Thursday for a breast lump that is a couple of centimetres large and sensation in armpit, I'm not expecting good news. I expect physical examination/mammogram/biopsy on the day, how long will it take for the results of these tests and for a treatment plan to be put in place?? Will I be told anything on the day? ? This evening I  contacted my husbands private work  health insurance provider and I can be covered for the diagnostic tests at an independent clinic but can't make appointment until Monday.  They do the tests and can give diagnostic results the same day though I'm not clear what happens after that - anyone have any experience of going private?  Thanks for any info or advice xx

  • Good Morning [@Tinkercat]‍ 


    Although I can not speak of Private, I have always found the Breast Clinic Team to be very patient and caring.

    At your breast appointment the general guide to it,

    Wear somethingloose fitting and comfortable as your top will be on and off throughout.

    Normally you will go into a consulting room and be seen by a Doctor and a Nurse who will examine you and talk to you about your concerns, you will then go and have your mammogram, the mammogram is seen by the Doctor afterwards and if they feel it is needed you will then also have an ultrasound, any information they can give you will be given on the day, most appointments can last about an hour as all the tests are done on the day all in one clinic and unless they need to do a biopsy you will get any answers there and then. If they do a biopsy this will take a couple of days to get results.

    I hope this helps.

    Take Care x

  • Thank you Kay-D, reassuring to hear that results are back quicker usually than the couple of weeks I had anticipated.  Feeling anxious as to be expected as to what lies ahead. Think I will ring the private clinic on Monday to see what happens if start with private tests/treatment and then move to nhs to have treatment (on presumption it's needed) once our policy limit reached. Thanks x

  • Hi

    Usually the breast clinic will cover everything in one day that is needed. 

    Hopefully you will be given peace of mind. The only wait you may have is if a biopsy is needed but even then they can usually give you a good idea as to what they think the lump is.

    Good luck, remember most people attending the breast clinic have a benign reason for their lump x


    Hi Tinkercat,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    None of us expect good news at this stage, but only 1 person in every 8 who attends the breast clinic will receive a cancer diagnosis.How soon you get your results will depend upon whether the clinic you are attending is a one-stop clinic or just a normal hospital clinic.

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 12 years. I have also had a number of false alarms. On three occasions I was told at my first visit that the consultant suspected cancer. Fortunately, on one of those occasions, I was yod that my lump was benign when the biopsy results came back. Unfortunately, the consultant was right on the other two. It is normal to get your biopsy results back in 1-2 weeks.

    With regard to going private, many of us see the same specialist in the NHS that we would see privately. The advantage of going via the NHS is that you don't need to change back to them when you reach your policy limit. I was fortunate enough to get the specialist I would have chosen, had I gone privately in the NHS. I have also had a lot of after care linked to NHS treatment, which I suspect, might not have been so easy to access had I gone privately.

    I hope that all turns out well for you. Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


  • Thank you ladies for your optimism and experiences, really appreciate it. The size of the lump along with the soreness or sensation in my armpit is worrying. I had a routine mamogram which was clear in Jan 2020 - I believe these can sometimes not pick up small changes according to my GP so whatever I have now has grown fairly quickly. 

    I have faith in the NHS consultants and treatment so not concerned at this time about that, just wondering if using medical insurance at the clinic will be quicker as biopsy results are given same day.

    I'll update once breat clinic attended.

    Thanks x


    Hi Tinkercat,

    What difference does a week's wait make in the bigger scheme of things?  Although you may get results of, mammogram and ultrasound on the same day. I expect that you may still have to wait for biopsy results if you have one. Ask the clinic before you book a private consultation.


    Jolamine xx