Breast clinic referal


I went to the gp last week regarding left breast, he examined and said would be refered to clinic and would have an appointment for a scan. I asked how i would find out he replied saying by post, however the next day i had phonecall and an appoint made for exactly 1 week later. The week was awful. I went to appointment today..... was examined but not scanned or mammogram and told to wait for snother appointment letter for a scan. ...... found this confusing and others who had been reffered had scans etc that day. So im none the wiser and another wait ??? 

  • I would speak to your GP about local protocols and what you can expect.  The normal pathway if there is any suspicion of cancer (any type of cancer), and the threshold for suspicion is very low, so many, many women are referred who are very low risk, is an appointment for assessment within two weeks of GP referral.  I have mine this Friday and I got told about it by letter, but the letter arrived only a couple of days after I was referred by the GP.  My appointment will be eleven days after I saw the GP.  You may have got a quicker appointment via phone because of a cancellation or a gap.

    Most breast clinics are a one stop shop and it is called triple assessment, this means you get three things in one day: examination, imaging (ultrasound or mammogram, possibly both) and if there is anything concerning, some cells taken for analysis either a biopsy where a small core of tissue is removed, or a thin needle taking off some cells.  These samples are analysed in the lab.  I think for most women the third bit doesn't happen as the examination and scans are reassuring on their own.

    I don't want to make assumptions, but you have '1987' in your username, if that is your birth year you would be very young to get a diagnosis of breast cancer.  Young women have denser breasts and ultrasound is more often used than mammogram to see if there are abnormalities.  Most women diagnosed with breast cancer are over 70 years of age but it is an illness that we all disproportionately associate with younger women because these are the stories that are prominent in the media.

    I'm a doctor myself but I must add a disclaimer.  I know a bit about how protocols/procedures work but I am posting on these boards only as a woman with a lump awaiting investigation and given my area of work I know little more about breast cancer than most members of the public who have no medical training.

    I can understand your confusion and concern and think that the best person to advise you is your GP.



  • Hi thanks for reply, my confusion is because the gp said he would refer for scan,i went for appointment at clinic yesterday and he didnt scan just examined. Said he could have scanned but will use the bigger better one that is downstairs, and said i would reieve another letter. It probably is nothing serious...... but im left really confused as he did the same as the gp but a week later and im still waiting again for scan. There was a scanner in the room but he said we will use the bigger better one