Breast changes. Getting more symptoms each week


I have had an ultrasound (which was clear) and waiting for cytology results because I recently noticed blood tinged discharge from my left boob. I was feeling optimistic and not very concerned as I have had discharge for 7 years (after breast feeding my daughter) just never clear or bloody.


Since I went for the tests doing I have noticed I have new swelling (hard tissue) around my left boob going into my armpit, pain and tenderness, extremely sensitive nipples and an itch I have constantly that I never seem to be able to get. All just on my left boob, my right boob is absolutely normal.

What might this mean? And is it a cause for concern?


im only 24 with two children.

  • Hello bethc28 and thanks for posting, 

    I'm afraid I don't know what this new swelling, pain and tenderness means, but these sorts of symptoms can occur for other reasons besides cancer.  Breast cancer is rare in your age group so another explanation for your symptoms is much more likely.

    I am not sure when you first went for tests but I think you need to let someone know what is happening and that there has been a change since then. This could either be the breast clinic or your GP. 

    Having tests because of unexplained symptoms is often unsettling or even worrying, try to keep an open mind and resist overthinking things.

    I hope you get some answers soon and that everything turns out ok in the end. 

    Please give us a ring if you want to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are around from 9-5, weekdays.

    Best wishes,
