Breast Cancer at 28

Hi, I was diagnosed in July - three weeks after turning 28 with HER2+, invasive ductal breast cancer. I am currently on number 4 of my chemo treatment and had a consultation during the week regarding surgery and the fact that my initial diagnosis of a lumpectomy has now been changed to a mastectomy with possibility of it being double mastectomy- which will be my decision. 

I don't really know what advice/information/support I am looking for but I find it very difficult meeting many people with my kind of cancer and treatment especially at my age. 

I really would just like to hear from anyone in a similar situation to any part of my cancer journey. 

Thank you 

  • Hey [@KM2021]‍ 


    I was diagnosed in April after I found a lump in my left breast. Mine too is HER2+ IDC and I am 31 I'm very nearly finished my chemo what treatment are you having? How have you found it? I meet with the surgeon in a few weeks once my chemo is finished. 

    Lizzy xx

  • Hi Lizzy,

    So sorry to hear! How are you finding you're chemo treatment? I completed number 4 yesterday and so far not doing overly bad. How are you feeling about your surgery xx

  • [@KM2021]‍ 


    im having number 8 of this taxol on Monday with just 4 more to go! I can't wait to have it all done. I started at the end of June with EC which was pretty brutal but I was fine. I had my follow up CT scan last week which which all went well the tumour in my breast has shrunk along with my nodes and there is no sign of disease anywhere else so all going as well as it can be I suppose. I'm not looking forward to it but it has to be done. What treatment are you on? How long have you got left do you need radio or anything else? 

  • I just had number 4/6 chemo on Thursday past there, not doing so bad thankfully little bit of thrush in my mouth but other than that I can't complain. Yes I have an operation and then radio tk go for afterwards too, what about you??

  • Hey yeah I got the oral thrush too forgot about that it was pretty rank! So are you every week or 3 weeks? Same op and then radio x

  • Yeah it's pretty horrible lol up every three weeks, what about you? How do you feel about your operation options 

  • I had 4 lots of every 3 weeks and then moved to weekly for 12. I feel ok about it I haven't spoken to my surgeon yet that will be sometime in November once I've finished my chemo. Had my follow up CT scan though which showed some shrinkage and no signs of it anywhere else so hopefully it's all heading in the right direction x

  • Hi, 

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with HER2+ E+ breast cancer in April. I've had 6 cycles of chemo and just had a mastectomy and reconstruction last week. I'm a bit older than you at 36 but still kept been told I'm young for this. I'll be having radiotherapy and then more treatment after this possibly. 
    I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. Wishing you the best .