Breast cancer

Hi ,I'm very new to this and as it stands I'm in a bit of a tail spin . Found a lump in my breast 2 days ago so went to the doctors yesterday.  The doctor examined me and told me I have cancer now I have to wait to be seen by the specialist,  is this normal ,have they got it wrong ,I'm really confused. 

  • Try not too worry there is so much treatment out there,we all think of the worst but we have to deal with whatever the outcome is,stay strong and just wait and see what the specialist says x

  • Hi 76, I'm pretty new in my journey too, but my GP never told me I have cancer (although I now know I do), she just told me she'd be more worried if it was 'gritty' and that she'd refer me to breast clinic and I should get an apt in two weeks. Even after examination, screening and biopsies at the clinic, I wasn't told it was cancer until they got the biopsy results. I've learnt from this forum that people have been told different things at different times, however, I think the consultant would need to do tests etc to verify if it was cancer and most lumps aren't. I know it will not stop you worrying, but this forum is here to support you and help you through if it helps Mickey x

  • Hi , Thank you for replying,

    I understand that i need to expect the worst but the emotions im going through is crazy , the lump was rather large and warm but this morning it has reduced in size and now a strange bobbly shape ,is this normal ?

  • Offline in reply to fifa

    Thank you i am trying im just spinning at the moment xx

  • Hi, I totally understand about expecting the worse and crazy emotions, I'm still feeling all that myself. I can't really comment on the shape, I've stopped trying to feel mine, but I've been told it looked very different on ultrasound to how it felt and so I don't know how much the shape makes a difference. Do you know a timeframe for your clinic apt yet? It's just a waiting game til then I fear X

  • MickeyM , The doctor said i will hear something in 48hrs , so hopefully i will get an appointment soon ,its just the waiting as you know . Can i ask is my reaction normal, i feel like im over reacting , i have done the why me ? then angry , cried for 5 hours untill i had no tears and now i refuse to watch tv as every advert is about cancer or so it seems . I feel im in a constant state of panick . Luckly i work for myself in a farm shop so i can pretend its not happening untill i get home . Is there something i can do to just chill myself out , .Sorry about blabbering like this i know im scared ,not for me but my husband,kids and grandkids.

  • Hi 76, hopefully you will hear soon. Of course, we all can react differently, but I assure you that those feelings are completely to be expected. I would ask what usually de-stresses you? I find that walking or watching water helps me calm down, but we're all different and on some days nothing really helps. Posting on this site helps me too. I understand you being scared for everyone else, but I would say that currently you need to focus on trying to minimise your own stress to try and help you through to your clinic apt. X