Breast biopsy


My mum went for a routine mamagram and they found a small lump so sent her back for further tests, whilst she was there they did anither mamagram aswell as an ultrasound and a biopsy. The Dr told her that she wasn't concerned and thought it is a cyst. Whilst there they booked her an appointment back at the hospital for her results although they did say that if her results were back any sooner they will call. A day later the appointment letter was delivered and said she is welcome to take someone with her.

I'm out of my mind with worry and have anither week to wait until her appointment.. Has anyone had similar experiences of this?

Thanks x 

  • Hiya lovely, I had an appointment on the 23rd at the breast clinic, as I had a palpable lump. They did an ultrasound (too young for mammogram), and nothing showed at all, no cyst, not fatty tissue, no glandular, nothing. It just looked normal.three days later they had me in again for a core biopsy, and they said they didn't know what it was, but the biopsies floated, which is what fatty tissue does., so fingers crossed. Like your mum, I was told two weeks, then the very next day a letter arrived for the appointment, which is actually on the 11th Feb. Mine also said I can take a relative for the results. I am also booked to see an onco plastic surgeon. A friend of a friend works there, and she aid its pretty standard to see that type of consultant, and that it's also pretty standard to be allowed to take someone with you just in case the news isn't the best.

    I was also told it may be a cyst, however it's my understanding that if it was a cyst, there would be some sort of fluid in there, pus etc, and also a cyst would have shown on my ultrasound. 

    Most breast lumps are non cancerous , so sending all the good vibes to your mum that she is cancer free