Breast biopsy

Hi all, I found a lump in my breast three weeks ago. I had an appointment at the breast clinic and came out so confused about what had happened.The consultant felt the lump and said he wasn't worried and was sure it was a cyst but would like an ultrasound just to be sure. The radiographer also said it looked like a cyst. They then carried out a fine needle aspiration to drain the cyst. They were unable to get any fluid and so carried out a core biopsy. No one explained to me what it meant that they were unable to aspirate the lump which is still there. The consultant was very off hand, never made eye contact and I felt like I couldn't ask any questions. He told me he would ring me with results as he was sure it was nothing to be concerned about and he was sure it was a cyst. If the lump is a cyst surely they would have been able to drain this? Is it common to not be able to aspirate fluid from a cyst? I'm feeling very angry and upset that I didn't feel able to ask these questions of the consultant and i was treated like i was not important and i was wasting his time when this is my body. Thanks 

  • Hi shemsy

    sorry to hear of your experience at the breast clinic, there’s been quite a few on here with similar experiences unfortunately.

    They can tell by the shape, look etc of the lump whether it looks suspicious or not and not all cysts are fluid based, so sounds like yours was cell based and needed a core biopsy to obtain cells for examination just to be 100% sure it’s a cyst.