Bowel cancer

Hi everyone ,

Just checking in. After being diagnosed with bowel cancer and liver metastases at the end of may I have now completed round 4 of oxaliplatin and 5fu .

I have had minimal and manageable side effects so far. Although they are cumulative with each round.

My picc line is behaving well with no problems after a few palpitations in the first few days of having it sited. I think it took a while for my heart to get used to having something near it . 

I'm feeling generally well however there are maybe 2 or 3 days during the cycle that I do very little due to tiredness or trapped wind. I've stopped eating red meat now as this definitely made my bloating and fullness a lot worse.

Just waiting for my pump to be disconnected by the district nurse then I'm off to the lakes xxxx

  • Hi Hayley,

    I'm glad everything is going well and that you have had minimal and manageable side effects so far. It's also great that your body is adapting to the picc line and you are keeping an eye on your diet by avoiding foods that may aggravate you.

    Has the district nurse told you when your pump will be disconnected? Hopefully you won't have to wait too long and a trip to the lakes sound wonderful. When are you heading off? Have a great time and be sure to take lots of photos! 

    Thank you for checking in Hayley. It's always nice to find out how members are getting on especially when they are doing so well :)

    Best Wishes, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator