Bowel cancer

Hi my mum has bowel cancer and has had radiotherapy for 5 days to reduce the tumour before they remove the bowel completely. She has a stoma bag fitted which is constantly leaking. She last had radiation on 4th February but yesterday she was very tired, didn't want to eat and seems very unwell. She is having a blood test this morning but I need someone to be honest with me- could she die before surgery? Thanks

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your mum's situation and how poorly she is at the moment.

    I'm afraid it is difficult for any of us here without being involved in her care to say what the next few days or weeks may look like for your mum.

    Keep talking to the team involved in her care so they can assess her and manage any side effects or symptoms she is having.

    Radiotherapy can make patients feel very tired and where she has had the treatment to her bowel this often will cause loose bowel movements and affect the appetite.

    Try and encourage her to try and eat something little and often and ensure she is drinking to keep up her energy and prevent her from becoming dehydrated.

    From what you have said the doctors are quietly confident the tumour in her bowel can be removed otherwise they wouldn't be planning surgery but it is important she builds herself up so she is well enough to have it.

    Please get back if you need to or you can call us on 0808 800 4040, Monday-Friday 9-5.

    All the best to you both
