Bowel cancer

I have got two bowel cancer they give me 6 months to live with 3 months to live without chemo 6 with I'm still here with chemo which made me very very Hill and has been over 12 months go for my next scan on Friday to see how bad or see if it's started growing again did reduce with the chemo I was on

  • Hello BigPhil; sorry about your prognosis but it sounds as though you have been beating the odds.    You don't mention if you have family and friends to support you and perhaps attend appointments with you.   I also hope that you have had an enjoyable Christmas/New Year.  I am sure this next scan means everything to you.    If it growing again maybe they can change the chemotherapy to another one that does not affect you so badly.    If would be nice if you would get back to us when you have had the scan and I will look out for what I hope will be a good result.   Best wishes.  Annie

  • Hi, 

    I also have bowel cancer. Good luck with the scan and if you want to chat please msg me on insta - fightingcancerat26 and ill pick the msg up instantly. What stage are you? Please keep hope and it seems like you have a lot of inner strength! 

    Here if you need to talk, 

    sending lots of hugs and hope, 

    love jess x