Borderline Ovarian Cyst & Laparotomy Surgery with high BMI

Hi Everyone,

I was told last month my ovearian cyst is now borderline. I developed the cyst a few years back around 2015-2016 I believe when it was 1cm. It's now just above 18cm and has got septations. 

I was added to a waiting list around December 2019 and recently was told I can have surgery. The consultant also advised she wanted to do a biopsy of the tube "endometriosis  related) however I am 17-18 stones and initially was advised to lose weight to limit complications. However now I have been told as the cyst is suspicious I should have the surgery regardless. I'm just waiting on a surgery date now and to speak to the consultant again. 

Just very worried, what are the chances of complications given my increased weight, and due to my weight how long will recovery take. Just worried as doctors cannot say for sure if it's cancer or not at this stage. Feel very anxious. Iv still not received my MRI results from a scan I had done two months ago despite requesting them. 

Has anyone else had a similar experience? 
Also can we work from home on our laptop perhaps after the surgery and how soon, just very worried 


Thank you 

  • I have had my ovarian cysts removed recently l was diagnosed with complex ovarian cysts following a colonoscopy for left sided pain. I went to the clinic and they said that they were going to do MRI and ultrasound scans but due to the Covid restrictions they were not operating on cysts of the size l had.
    My follow up appointment was by phone with the oncology consultant who said we can remove them if you want.  l will do it in 8/9 weeks time. l have sticky blood a clotting condition, lve had a DVT. And high blood pressure. 
    my surgeon said as l signed the consent  that it may be A Bit Stuck Down!. Due to previous surgery hysterectomy and caesarean.  I didn't realise the significance of her words until after surgery when l was told that instead of taking 1 hour for keyhole, she had to open my abdomen to get her hand in to find my overy as it was embedded in extensive adhesions, she then spent 4 1/2 hours removing the adhesions and said other surgeons would have bailed out and left them. As continuing had cancelled the other patients for the rest of the day. As an oncology surgeon she was used to the most difficult surgery problems and had a different attitude to surgery. It was a bit of a shock when I woke up and found a dressing from hip to hip, not  as bad once it was removed just very bruised. 
    lt has taken a while to recover as the surgery was similar to a hysterectomy, 

    working from home would have probably been ok after a month but mine was extensive and sitting up was really uncomfortable at times, and hopefully they won't need to open your abdomen. So any discomfort  will be easier to control Maybe leave work for a couple of weeks at least . And l would avoid driving until you can make a safe emergency stop and twist your body comfortably. My husband has been great looking after me and my dogs. 

    Best wishes for your operation and hopefully you will have a very straightforward experience let me Know  if l can help you . 
    take care 
