Blood in with poo on toilet paper

I'm 19, going on 20, and over the last three or so weeks have found blood in with my poo when I wipe my bottom. My diet since around Christmas admittedly hasn't been great, with me drinking lots of alcohol and eating lots of food in between. I also have an iguinal hernia, which could be the cause of this problem. I tend to feel constipated quite often during the day and have gone from pooing just once a day to two or three times a day. There's no pain involved when I poo, but it's really concerning me because my diet hasn't been good at all of late and my nan has recently just died from colon cancer, and had blood in her stool just before she died. 

  • Hello callan30 and welcome.  Sorry about your nan's colon cancer; it does not of course mean that your symptoms are related to this.  If you are constipated then that is often a cause of piles (they bleed) as you are not passing motions easily.  In your situation I would (a) sort out your diet so  you are eating well (lots of vegetables, wholemeal bread, etc) and (b) perhaps try a laxative - you may like to talk to your pharmacist about this.  If these suggestions do not sort things out you may want to talk to your GP - but even then it is most likely to be something that can be resolved with a prescription.  Best wishes.  Annie