Blood in urine?

Hello, This last month I've had awful back pain in the kidney area which prompted me to use a urine test stick, which flagged up a strong amount of non visible blood. I've lost my appetite and felt sick after a month I've lost a stone in weight. Sent for a scan on my kidneys in case it was stones, it's not stones, but only my kidneys were scanned.

Even though the blood has been there for over 5 weeks (home check, surgery checked it, hospital checked it) my doctor is dismissing it as a false result and told me to do a diet diary for a few weeks when I inquired about finding out what was causing the blood.

I feel fobbed off and dismissed, wouldn't a lab microscope test prove it one way or the other?

I've since found a lump in my groin( near hip bone, midway under belly button) but I'm put off phoning the surgery again, they've only done phone appointments over the pandemic.

Should I really push this? I don't know why a GP wouldn't further test to find a cause? Not knowing isn't helping my stress levels.

  • Blood in urine can be caused Humu upper UTIs, but your dr wouldve prescribed you antibiotics if you had one. I've had blood in my urine a few times due to a UTI. Antibiotigs resolved it pretty quickly, I would push for another dr to see you as a second opinion is needed! ESP with a swollen lymph node it could be because of infection - I'm not a dr but I would push for it if it was me x

  • Thank you!  I was starting to give up hope getting anywhere. But I've been badgering them into finding out more.A different doctor (who actually saw me) aranged another scan to be set up and my own doctor is now contacting a urologist for advice as I don't seem to automatically fit their criteria.

    Honestly, I'm really grateful someone replied! x