Bleeding for over a year ectoption,cancer or something else?

Hello all!

Hope youre sunday is treating you well. I am a 20 year old female. Around May last year I was put onto the mini pill. After two months  of being on it I started to bleed here and there but it has gradually gone worse and hasnt stopped. I bleed when I have sex I bleed after a bowel movement. Any pressure ai bleed. Even walking  a long distance starts me off! 

I went to my doctors mutiple times they kept saying to try my pill  for another 2 months  ect  a year later still had the issue! until I saw one doctor  who  gave  me pelvic exam she said  my cervix "looked  a bit red" but couldn't  really see much and referred  me to the gynecologist who Im seeing in a month . The bleeding can go from bright red to brown  spotting. I also got back pain but that is from my sacroiliac joints so unrelated  thankfully. Another thing i notice is that i bleed every morning when  I'm  due to take my pill it also comes out when i pee sometines. I got to stick to progestin  tablets as I got endometriosis which was treated last year.

  • Hi Nicjane and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry for what you're having to contend with at the moment but I'm glad you've finally been referred. Hopefully the gynaecologist will be able to give you some answers but in the meantime I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and we're thinking of you.

    Fingers crossed everything will be o.k.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator