Bleeding after menopause

I'm 52 and had my last period in January 2018, so I thought I was well and truly past the menopause. I went to bed in the early hours of yesterday morning, had my usual wee before bed and was shocked to see bright red blood on the toilet paper. 

The previous morning I had woken with a painful shoulder (which I thought was because of the way I was laying) and the pain travelled down to my lower back and I got abdominal cramps.

Anyway, I tried to sleep but called my doctor straight away when I woke up yesterday morning. She said that she was going to refer me for an urgent hospital appointment. She thought I might need a blood test in advance of this but said she would call me back. She sent me a text late yesterday afternoon (she had tried to call me twice, but both times I was driving) to say that I did need a blood test and that she'd sent the form electronically to the hospital. I just needed to call the hospital and make a blood test appointment. The phlebotomy clinic had closed for the day by then, so I called this morning. A recorded message said that they were only doing urgent blood tests at the moment because of covid and that I needed to leave my name and number and someone would call me back within 24 hours.

So, that's the stage I'm at now; waiting for the blood test phone call. I'm worried that I'm not going to hear from them today and will have to wait anxiously over the weekend.

I've read other threads and was surprised to see how many women have had a period and are ovulating again after a couple of years of no periods. My symptoms are exactly the same as when I had periods. I've had the headache, breast swelling and tenderness, lower back pain and abdominal cramps, and bright red bleeding.

I had hoped that I was through the menopause, but I really hope to goodness that this is just my periods deciding to start again after a break of over 2 1/2 years rather than something more serious.

I'm so sorry for waffling. I'm terrified!


  • Hi 


    It's so hard waiting and trying to be positive but they do say the majority of cases are nothing sinister.


    I'm 53 and had a heavy bleed out of the blue 2 weeks ago, I've had ultrasound and transvaginal scans which showed thickening of the uterus so I was referred for hysteroscopy. Unfortunately, there was so much scar tissue present that they were unable to perform hysteroscopy properly. Biopsies were taken Tuesday evening so now it's the waiting game.


    Every little niggle or pain makes you think there's something going on or spreading but then my husband pointed something out to me that I thought was actually useful. I bought a new orange car because I really liked it and you don't see many around. Now I've got it I spot them everywhere - same thing applies here. I guess we're constantly looking for clues and more honed in on them so notice things that we would otherwise have overlooked.


    Hang on in there and hopefully you'll get answers soon. Wishing you all the best.


  • This happened to me I think it was about 20 months after my last period.

    I was so scared as I have had bowel cancer in the past.

    Like you, exactly the same as before, headache, back ache, period pains....

    I did notice that before this my night sweats had suddenly stopped to my relief.

    My blood test was ok, my ultrasound showed only a tiny fibroid but with my history and bleeding after menopause they had to investigate.

    They took biopsies which came back ok and then to be 100% I had to have camera and more biopsies under GA.

    The results were all fine although a very scary few weeks imagining the worst.

    I was told this happens alot, the ovaries kick up for one last go, they have to investigate just in case.

    Take it a day at a time and I will keep everything crossed for you. Let us know how you get on.