
I had thyroid cancer when I was seventeen. Had a few operations and a couple of rounds of treatment. Have been clear for a long time and am 32 now.

i have found I am just left with gross, niggling long term health problems. Severe post nasal drip, general knackeredness and disgusting and greasy skin as the levothyroxine works but isn’t as good as the real thing and general tummy issues from operations, anaesthetics etc. 

I know now I should be so happy that I survived but this crap day in day out makes it impossible for me to do regular things. Wondered if anybody else suffers with these kinds of non life threatening but irritating kind of side effects and if so how do you stay positive?

  • Hi Margo79 and welcome to the forum. 

    I'm sure that there are members here on the forum who've struggled with the long term side effects of treatment. It's natural when living with a chronic problem to have periods when you might struggle more with how you feel mentally and emotionally about what has happened and how it's impacting on your life now. 

    I'm not sure from your post if you've ever had any kind of professional support for helping you to manage your thought processes around these things. It's certainly worth speaking to your GP to see what support services might be available in your area. Many health services these days run sessions for people who are living with chronic health problems and it may be that there is something available for you to help improve your midset. It could be a 1-1 sessions, it could be a short course of CBT counselling, it could be group support or it could be something physical. It's certainly worth speaking to your GP about. 

    You might also like to have a look through the Moodzone on the NHS website which has lots of information about ways you can boost your mood. Alternatively you'd be welcome to give our team of nurses a call and talk things through with them. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 and I'm sure they'd be able to offer some support and advice. 

    Hopefully now I've responded to your post some of our other members might post to share their tips for coping with life after cancer. I really hope that things improve and setlle for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator