bladder wall thick after bcg

My husband has had 6 bcg and yesterday went for his bladder check to see if it was working. We were told that the bladder lining was thick so they took a biopsy. We are worried know because we were hoping they were going to say the cancer has gone and he could start his bcg top up in Oct. Any had this before. Please tell us your story. 

Regards to all from Sylvie

  • Sorry things didn't go as you hoped.John didnt experience this  his problems were red patches which had to be biopsed They turned out to be inflamation Fingers crossed for Ronnie Bcg us an aggressive treatment as as o e nurse said to us does make the bladder very angry

    Love and hugs 


  • Hi Celia, well what a day yesterday. We were in the hospital 12 hours. They were going to keep Ronnie in at one point. But Ronnie said no. Then they said we will put a catheter in and you can go home he said a big no to that. So we had to stop until he emptied his bladder normal. We got there in the end. After having 4 scans to look into his bladder to see if it was backing up.. Thankfully it wasn't. I was allowed to go in as soon as they brought him up from recovery. They told me if i brought a clear lateral flow in that i could stay with him. The surgeon was waiting for me to come in to talk to me. He told me that they had a job getting up his urethra but got there in the end. He said the bladder lining was thick so they shaved it and did a biopsy. They couldn't get up the ureter so they never got to look at it at all.because of the thickening.  He said he was happy with the urine flow so didn't need a stent any way and this morning he has no blood.He said they would do a further CT scan on the ureter and might go in through his back to get to it which is a local so not going to sleep. He said the outcome of the biopsy will go to the MDC and they will talk about what happens next. I asked if he would be ok for the BCG at the back end of Oct and he said it depended on the biopsy and the MDC. So where not any further on. I refuse to let it bother me. Where going to Yellow Tops on Saturday and not going to let it spoil that break. But i am sure i have read somewhere that there is some people that the BCG made the bladder lining thick. I will do some research. So he went to bed and slept for 12 hours then got up and had the usual breakfast. When we got home from the hospital at 9.15pm he had 2 scrambled eggs on 2 toast and half a tin of beans. I had a banana and a slice of toast and that is all i had all day. I took him a ham sandwich a bun and a banana to the hospital and he ate that when he had come round. It cost us £80 return for the taxi which was good because it's a 46 mile round trip and John out taxi friend left the day open to accommodate us. He has become a nice friend and a gentleman. So what do you think of all that Celia. My nerves were  absolutely shattered when we got home. But i did sleep a bit because i didn't sleep the night before like you do. I will let you know if i find anything in the thickening of the bladder with BCG and let you know.

    Take care both of you

    Love as always Sylvie xxx

  • I feel for you both but glad you are having  a few days away Lots of things can cause thickening so I understand some people are born with thicker blader but people who have had various treatment such as Ronnie can develop the problem It doesn't necessarily mean cancer One thing I have learnt over the past 6 years is that anything and everything  gets biopsed Its more worry but it does mean if there is a problem which God forbid there isnt its caught early When John had to have the dreaded red patches biopsed the consultant said they wouldn't schedule next bcg until results of biopsy Also when John was on the ventilator with Covid he had a catheter and it caused narrowing which has made his cystoscopy checks more difficult 

    Keep your chin up Easier said than done I know 

    lots of love 

    Celia xx

  • Hi Celia i am getting worried about Ronnie. When we left the hospital last Friday he stopped bleeding in his urine the next day.Then on Wednesday he started bleeding in his urine and still is today IE thursday. I dont know if he should start takeing his asprin again as it does cause the blood to go thinner. I dont think we should be going away to yellow tops on saturday if he is like he is know. I think i will try and get hold of his cancer nurse tomorrow and ask for advice. He is ok in himself no pain and eating ok. It's just the bleeding i am worried about. It's not thick blood.The doctor said on Wednesday that it was the healing process after the coystoscopy and biopsy but how long do you wait before you get back to the doctor.? 

    I will let you know what happens

    Love from Sylvie xxxx

  • Good  idea to try and contact nurse It could be something simple like the scab coming off the biopsy site and as Dr says part if the healing process Better that worrying get in touch with either nurse or GP Maybe they could test his urine to make sure there is no infection 

    Better safe than sorry

    Take care 

    Love Celia x



  • Morning Celia did you get my message yesterday about the doctors. We did go to the doctors after calling 111 and took a urine sample but no infection. My worry is how long do i let him bleed . I will try to get to talk to the cancer nurse today to put my mind at rest but he is adamant he wants to go to Yellow tops. They told me if you want to talk just phone but when you try to get them they are never there to talk to. I will let you know if i get through.

    Love Sylvie xxx

  • Yes I did get your messge my reply is showing above Could you not see ii Glad there is no infection I know what you mean about the Gp You could check the area around Yelliw tops to see if there is a drop in centre on case of problems 

    Take care 


    Wilbert x

  • yes there is a doctors 1 mile away which i will use if i have to. I got a call from the docs that i asked for and she is going to phone us on Tues ? all i wonted to know was should he not take the asprin as he is still bleeding . I told Ronnie if it gets bad we will come home. It's only 9 mile away so not far and i would rather we were at home if we need help. 

    Love from Sylvie xxx

  • Good to have a change of scene We have just had a message John's app Monday cancelled as consultant at funeral.Rr arranged to 19th Another week to wait and worry 


    Celia xx

  • I wonder what they would feel if they were in our place . I just don't know what to do about tomorrow because i don't know if he is loosing blood clots or scabs. I just don't know what the hell they have done to him. I am sick of all he is having to go through at 82. I asked him what he wants to do tomorrow and he just said we will see what it's like tomorrow. So if it's the same what would you do Celia ? 

    Love Sylvie xxx