Bladder issues for 18 / 24 months


I am a complete newbie to this site so bare with me! 

My problems started nearly 2 years ago (I am 37) I was getting fairly frequent UTI's every 3 -6 months. Urgency, burning, flank pain, strong odour, inability to hold my bladder etc. The dip test would always show protiens and blood cells at the Dr's during the initial visit and I was sent away with a course of Antibiotics. However the last 12 months these episodes have been getting more a more frequent, I have had 6 since May this year. Again, the dip test would always show signs of infection but very rarely did the results from the lab come back positive, and the antibiotics seem to make little difference. 

in the last 6 months I have found blood in my urine and I have been begging my DR for a referral only to be told I am too young to be referred. 
It got so bad last week... I was on my 3rd course of antibiotics in a month that the DR agreed to refer me, I was initially  given a date in October however I was lucky to be given a cancellation appointment and I saw a Urologist today. 
The Urologist took me much more seriously than my GP and has booked me in for a rigid cystoscopy and his exact words were "to take any biopsies if necessary" I was told this would be in the next 6 weeks. 

I am a natual worrier... I am a glass empty kind of girl! But can anyone relate to this, good or bad? I am happy to hear both sides. 
I know blood in the urine is the main sympton for Bladder cancer... i am just worried as I am already nearly 2 years down the line....

Thanks for listening