Bladder cancer diagnosis

my husband was fit and healthy until just over two years ago.  He started passing blood in his urine and went to his GP.  He did tests and said it was normal to pass some blood at his age, now 67, just traces at the time.  He was also peeing a lot and a bit of pain.  Then he was passing clots.  Not all the time, infrequently, some days nothing, some weeks nothing.  He was sent for an ultrascan, blood tests.  His prostate was normal.  He was then passed to a kidney specialist as it was thought he may have a kidney stone.  They asked him if he had seen an urologist, which he hadn’t.  So he was then referred, had a cystoscopy and it turns out he has a tumour in the bladder.  I couldn’t believe it took so long to eliminate the other possible causes of the blood.  He has since been cleared of kidney stones, saying he has normal kidney functions.  We are out of our mind with worry.  He’s been told the tumour has to come out, had the pre op last week and seeing the anaesthetist in two days time.  I wanted to know if anyone else had a similar time span from start to diagnosis please?

  • HI ,Alexandra21 ive just this second joined the site ,all new to me .Your post caught my eye as just four week ago i had my op for the removal of my tumour bladder cancer, i had been having problems with uti' for about 18mth ,also passing clots lots of pain.Antibiotics over and over again until eight weeks ago i was sent for a an utlrascan which showed up a shadow in the bladder ,everything moved so quickly after this a week later was sent for cat scan ,results came back within a week which was diagnoised as a tumour my op was on the 7th nov very scary time and still is ,finding things very difficult to talk about the min, but hopfully everything will go welll for your husband understand totally how you must feel.anything you want to ask pls dont hesitate.