Good day everyone.

I have just had my first check up after 6 months post Radical Nephrectomney and they have found several superficial tumours in my bladder. I have to get a Rigid Cystcopoy next month. I am also waiting on  CT Scan to see if my Cancer has spread and this is making me worry so much. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you cope.

Take care all.

  • Hi, I had the same 15 years ago, 12 weeks after kidney was removed ihad 17tiny tumours on my bladder.

    They were  removed and I had bcg treatment for 6 weeks

    All these years later and after numerous recurrences I still have my bladder 

    Hang in there

  • Hi Windows,

    Thank you for your positive comments, it is much appreciated.

    Take care.

  • I am 48 male and within last 2 weeks feel like my life has turned upside down. I have been banging on at doctors since  Feb 21 that I have a problem to be fobbed of with antibiotics.. etc etc etc.

    I have now had 4 tumours removed fro. Bladder and are cancerous no one sits you down to break the news I needed to make it be said .. its hard and its not fully sink in .. life goes on . I don't know how to react if I'm honest . I'm not sure if it will return . 8 have had chemotherapy C  purple stuff by catheter.  I don't know if it's spread yet . I just don't know much at all . I have a great partner and for me that is all I want 

     I know the doctors will do there Best for all but it's my life now . Not sure what I am trying to say . But vest wishes to all.

  • Sorry to hear this and hope you are coping. I have been told I have 2 tumours and am due for TURBT on 19th. In a similar place to you with life turned upside down. Stay strong as reading other people's experiences they do get through this.