Biopsy results normal but doctor still concerned

I found a lump in my breast last year, went for a scan and told it was normal breast tissue and no lump was shown on the scan. 

In the last year the lump has grown so I went back and the lump is showing on the scan, I had a biopsy, went back for the results today. The doctor said the biopsy has come back as normal breast tissue but they are concerned as the results don’t match the picture on the scan. 

I now have to wait for another appointment for another scan and they will decide if all is fine if not then I will have to go back for another biopsy. 

This is really effecting me being in limbo, I can’t take the waiting and not knowing. 

Anyone had this happen to them and what was the outcome? 


  • Hi I can totally understand how you are feeling just now. The waiting is the worse part. I found a lump had mammogram ultrasound and fine needle aspiration on November 26th they believe that the lump is benign from the tests done so far. Because of my age 47 they want to do a core needle biopsy to double check it is what they think it is. I now have a date 8th of Jan for my next biopsy. And I will get results two weeks after that. It is good they are being thorough. I am feeling better now I have a date for the biopsy. I hope you are okay. Try and keep busy it's hard I know. With christmas coming up its a good distraction from thinking about it but it's there in the back of your mind. Thinking about you I hope you get appointments and answers quick. It's good they are wanting to double check.

  • Hi 

    This is the same as me - what was your outcome? 


  • Sorry to hear you have the same issue, it's such a frightening awful time, the not knowing drive me crazy. 
    In the end I paid and went private and it was good news, the doctor said because there was a shadowy area they just wanted to double check with another scan that they haven't missed anything and after the scan she was certain it was just fatty tissue. 
    Hope you get an appointment quickly and get good news x

  • Hi,

    What was your outcome? I've had two ultrasounds on a big lump and it's just showing as normal tissue