Biopsy results

Can anyone help? I was admitted to hospital in July as I had what I thought a very heavy period. I was put on tranexamic and mefenemic acid to try and slow blood loss, but despite this i had a haemorrhage and was in hospital for 3 days . Progesterone hormone tablets managed to stop it!! I am 47 and I think it's perimenopause.  Anyway I was advised to have a hysterscopy with biopsy's and a smear at the same time. This was 3 weeks ago and I have not had any results as yet. I have however rung the gynaecologist department and what the Secretary could tell me is that, yes results are in and she can also tell me that 2 letters are being sent out to me?? Now I'm panicking that one is the results and 2nd a treatment plan? Would they do this by letter, or would they telephone with bad results? I know life has changed so so much during covid and I don't know what or how to expect bad news . Does anybody know. 

  • Hi lovely 

    if it was bad news I'm sure they call you in it would not be by letter, and regards again to treatment plan your thinking way to far ahead you will be fine honestly, they call you in to discuss anything like that even with Covid so try not to get in a panic 


    hope your ok 

    laura x

  • Hi Laura, thank you for replying.  Your quite right, but I'm such a panicker!!


    It's a worrying time as when I had an ultrasound they said my womb had become ' course' and the bleeding has been awful. I'm on northisterone 5mg a day for the foreseeable future and it has calmed down, so I'm hopeful it's all hormonal. 


    Thank you so much again 


    Take care xx