Bile duct cancer

Hi, I was diagnosed with bile duct cancer on 30th August, unfortunately advised I've proberbly had this at least 10 years, possibly 15, without symptoms. Only found ad I wad admitted to hospital with obstructive jaundice twice and choleitis. While ism not wallowing in self pity, I am very angry, told my cancer is stage 3 advanced, inoperable due to location and unlikely to be suitable with less than 10% of patients have significant tumour shrinkage following chemo.

This week consultant advised still can't have chemo as my liver function off with the real possibility may never get chemo. Now on morphine for pain control under local palliative team, feel like I've been written off.  Would be glad to hear of other experience with this cancer.

  • Hi we are in the same situation just on morphine at moment just waiting for

    palliative care to come out could I ask you where is your pain can not find anything about this cancer I am so confused about it all. Good luck anyway

  • hi Kazal

    my husband was diagnosed with cup on 24th July with mets to liver and lung we finally got a pre assessment date for chemo on the 10th sept by this time he had become jaundiced so they scanned him in the hope of fitting a stent to relieve this to then do chemo. The next day they rang and said they couldn’t do it as it was so aggressive and it was growing through the ducts and no treatment at all would be possible. We were devastated but my husband never once moaned about it just got on living hoping we would have months if not longer left. He quickly deteriorated from the 7th October and passed on the 21st October peacefully and not in pain but only a few days before he passed I was informed it was primary bile duct cancer. It’s rare and aggressive and I feel for you. Try stay as healthy as possible and also healthy in your mind as I think that helps. My husband was only just 48 a few days earlier. We have a 12 and 14 year old it’s so hard to be strong but he had the best positive attitude about it live everyday and don’t regret a thing. 

    I feel after the fact now that like you we were just left to get on with it and feel let down how can this happen to a someone extremely fit and healthy to pass in 12 weeks  

    I hope to you get some answers and have good family and friends close by to support you. Wish you well and good luck keep fighting not everyone is the same we live with statistics and you have to Be determined not to be one  I don’t mean to be negative with my story it’s just my experience  

    Cancer can do one! 

  • Hi my dad got told he has bileduct cancer a yr ago but they couldn’t find it .after having cameras sown his through and two stents put in they still couldn’t find it .he had prostrate cancer 2 yrs ago had radiotherapy and now 2 weeks ago after being admitted with bad bad jaundice  said it’s stage 3 and he’s not well enough for chemo was given 6 months I find it hard to believe but now his stomach all swollen so he needs to have that drained off . He only takes oramorph on the night if needed but I bought him pure canabis oil and it’s working and he’s happy taking it so yep it’s all about what he wants and making him comfortable as from the befgin they said it was aggressive yet that was a yr ago chin up and I wish you the best try and live Day to day without stressing as the other day they asked my dad his wishes about resus and that played his mind badly yet it’s all procedure and he’s 72 

  • Hi I’m going through same thing with my dad but it seems like he’s giving up I do hope you found some answers as it messes up your head god bless you x

  • Hey Tswife, 

    I dont know if you still go on chat but i was hoping so. My husband was diagnosed with advanced bile duct cancer last May after being ill for some time. He was lucky to get 6 months of chemo which allowed him some time. Started more chemo in Feb this year but it had to be halted as his platelets were too low, and from then on it was palliative care. He has been a bit unsteady on his feet lately and has had a few stumbles, is this something you encountered? And also the confusion? We are putting it down to meds but now im not sure. 

    Hope you and your kids are doing ok 

  • Hi again went and seen Dad today and it’s like he wants to fight now he got told 6 months 12 March went down and even eye sockets were in haven’t seen him in a week and I’m reaply happy apart from a little bit tired he’s ok had result from the fluid that was drained and no cancer cells so that’s good but it’s like they just left him to palliative now I do hope both of your family members pick up cause when they fight it’s so much better before Dad got drained he wouldn’t go out wudnt eat nothing now he on the up fingers crossed by the way dads on paracetamol during day and if pain is bad oramorph bless you all who are going through this xx

  • Hi all my mum was diagnosed with this horrible bike duct cancer....which has messed the family up even me...she is in stage 4  now...chemo didn't she's on oxicoden slow release tablets and oxicoden fluid she has that roughly 5times a day for's horrible to watch her go through this ...she has had stomach drained before and going in gain tomm to drain again.....she was given 6 month she beat that and she is fighting everyday she's slot stronger than anyone I know ...if someone asked me who my hero was I would reply my mam for going through all of this ...bit she's not alone as we keep reminding her but it's only her who can get through it we got told she has weeks ...she's sleeping all the time ...very fragile..very unsteady ...and getting weaker every time ..I wish there was something I could do she keeps telling me I'm doing enough .....can someone tell me how to explain to her 4 year old grandson what's happening ...because this is killing me ..I feel sick everyday ...but my son keeps me going