Best time of day to take Anastrazole?

Hello I recently finished radiotherapy for breast cancer and am about to start on the endocrine therapy. I'm 52 and just had it confirmed I am menopausal (had a hysterectomy as 39 so no periods as a clue to what was going on!) so it's Anastrozole for me.

I've been reading up about the side effects and it feels quite daunting taking the plunge with the little pills and not knowing if you'll be one of the ones to have minimal side effects or will have a tough time of it. Some of those side effects sound grim. I'm being booked for a baseline bone density scan soon. The thought of muscle, bone and joint pain that might interfere with my active lifestyle is a worrying one :sad:

I picked up my first prescription today and just keep staring at the box, trying to decide the best time of day to take it due to the need to do the same time every day. Would love to know how others have got on with it and whether morning or evening timing made it more bearable? I don't take any other medication so the thought of taking this for five years is quite hard to comprehend.

Thanks for any advice and insights - I know it is likely to be very individual but any thoughts welcomed xxx

  • Hi kiwirunner,

    I just wanted to send you a reply so that your post will hopefully get a few more views, and then hopefully also some further replies from anyone with similar experience to share.

    It may also help to search the forum (using the button in the blue bar above) for other relevant discussions, and to find others here who may also be taking Anastrazole.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks for this Ben. 

    I decided to take it at 10pm in the end and two days in (will be taking my third in half an hour) I am symptom free so far. Just a waiting game to see when and if I get affected.
