Beating bowel cancer with fitness video blog

Apologies if the post is duplicated, I'm new to the forum. My video blog number 2 has a link to YouTube - this second blog aims to give my experience of diagnosis of bowel cancer and how I tried to get into more control and live a life of quality whilst going through treatment.

  • Hello Chasmac,

    I just wanted to stop by to welcome you to Cancer Chat; I hope you find the forum helpful and supportive!

    I'm sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with bowel cancer last year, but it's good to read in your bio that you're feeling otherwise fit and well. I'm sure there are members here who will be interested in your video blog - thank you for sharing it.

    Wishing you all the best,


    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your message. The next videos will take in surgery and effects including living with iliostomy. Also my thoughts on food, how I managed to learn what was best for me in terms of vitamins etc. I hope the blogs help those going through same experience. Charles